
Blog/August 2010/Aug 6th

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August 6th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

This week: roasting temperatures, Sarah returns!, almost-war, wine festivals and "Happy Birthday, Victor"! The weather started heating up last shabbat, but this entire week has been hotter than usual, with much higher than usual humidity -- making it unbearably hot. This shabbat is supposed to be the "highlight", reaching somewhere north of 40C here in Maaleh Adummim -- way too hot for comfort. Fortunately, the beginning of this coming week the weather is supposed to cool down considerably...

Sarah returned from her long sojourn in Argentina happy to be back in her own bed, and having enjoyed her visit with the South American family. She managed to get to the Andes while she was there, and spend quality-time with her little cousins. The biggest adjustment was coming from 0C temperatures to 40C ... but since she basically hasn't left the house since coming home, it wasn't much of a challenge.

In more alarming news, a group of Lebanese Army soldiers, accompanied by some UNIFIL "soldiers", opened sniper fire on an IDF contingent which was performing routine maintenance of the border fence. The LAF actually targeted the commanders who were some 100 meters behind the border fence, killing one and seriously injuring the other. The IDF responded with live fire and killed several of the LAF. In what has got to be a first, the UN supported the Israeli version of events, while our intrepid Minister of Defense said the Lebanese attack "was not premeditated". I don't know what drugs he takes, but he should get the dosage checked. After all, there were reporters taking video, embedded with the LAF forces. Here's a picture of LAF soldiers showing UNIFIL (the light-blue berets) alongside them, as the sniper party starts up.

Last year this time, my father-in-law was here for his birthday (happy birthday!) and we went to the Jerusalem Wine Festival. We enjoyed it enough to repeat it this year; and were again surprised by the large crowds drawn, as well as by the incredible variety of Israeli wines (most good, some excellent).

Sometime last week, someone sent me a huge email (25 megabytes) filled with pictures. I don't mind the occasional picture, but I object to getting huge emails which clog my inbox. In fact, let me lay out for you the rules for sending emails:

  1. Do not send big files. Post them on a web-site somewhere and send me the link.
  2. Do not send Microsoft Word documents. I don't own MS Word, and I refuse to deal with bug-ridden virus-vectors just to open an email. Though I can open such documents with OpenOffice, they will quite possibly not look as you intend. If you must send something which requires complex formatting, please either use "OpenOffice" and send an ODT document, or create a PDF (either with OpenOffice or any other program -- newer versions of Word can finally output PDF).
  3. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS when you write. It looks like you're yelling, and it is difficult to read.
  4. If you are sending to a list of people who do not otherwise know each other, don't put all the names on the "TO" or "CC" line -- use the "BCC" so not everyone gets everyone else's email address.
  5. Don't use all kinds of fonts; especially, don't use really big fonts -- they make it much more difficult to read.

Enough ranting for one week, no?


This week's shabbat menu includes: fresh challah, beet salad, green tehina, potato kugel, okra, rice, cabbage salad, sorbet (leftovers from last week), fresh melon, baked chicken, roast beef and tuna fish. Enjoy!

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom !

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