
Blog/November 2010/Nov 19th

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Nov 19th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

B"H this week both Sarah and I are feeling better. The antibiotics relieved her sinus infection, so she's fine now; and she spent the week at work. The pain meds I got seem to have (finally) rid me of the leg pain; but we'll see whether or not the pain returns next week, after the pain meds wear off. Losing 15 kilos (so far) is undoubtedly helpful. Esther has also lost a substantial amount of weight -- at this rate we'll be invisible soon!

You may remember we've been working on getting "carry permits" for a while. This week we completed the process, which wasn't too onerous after all. However, in what I consider a major display of disrespect for my manhood, the government agency in charge issued Esther a three-year permit, but only gave me seven months. I guess they consider men more dangerous ... I guess they're not married!

Sorry, folks; this is a one-paragraph geek digression. At work I keep encountering situations where people think it's "amazing" how I'm able to do certain things which would take them much longer to do. Then they criticise my "primitive" tools. Well, it is precisely because of the "primitive" vim editor that I'm able to do all the "hard" things so easily. I similarly use the amazing Fossil SCM tool to keep track of my stuff, back up data and keep notes. The fallacy of those who say "vim" for example is "primitive" is that they confuse "having lots of eye-candy" with "powerful". I actually don't even leave home without having my tool-set with me, just in case I need to work on a computer which is unfortunate to be bereft of powerful tools.

The "translation project" is almost ready for its first release. The only thing keeping me back at the moment is that I'm having some minor formatting issues which really need to be fixed before I release. Since I am supporting both "letter" and "A4" paper sizes, the formatting is a bit more finicky. OK, this might also be considered a geek digression...

Sometimes I wonder what's going on with people:

This week we've got one of Sarah's friends. The menu: baked chicken, green tehina, goulash, schnitzel, cauliflower soup, tuna in tomato sauce, "just eggplant", orange-coconut cake, kohlrabi salad.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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