
Blog/March 2011/Mar 18th

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Mar 18th (See this week's devar torah)
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In memory of the five holy ones who were murdered by a nation which is not a nation. May the memory of the righteous and holy be a blessing, may God avenge their blood. לזכר חמשת הקדושים שנרצחו על ידי עם-לא-עם. זצוק"ל, הי"ד

King David cried out: אֵל-נְקָמוֹת ה'; אֵל נְקָמוֹת הוֹפִיעַ -- "O LORD, God to whom vengeance belongs; You, God to whom vengeance belongs, appear". הִנָּשֵׂא, שֹׁפֵט הָאָרֶץ; הָשֵׁב גְּמוּל, עַל-גֵּאִים -- "Arise, You Judge of the earth; render to the proud their recompense". עַד-מָתַי רְשָׁעִים ה': עַד-מָתַי, רְשָׁעִים יַעֲלֹזוּ -- "LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked exult"? (Psalms 94:1-3).

This was an especially difficult week. Right after shabbat was over we found out about the brutal cold-blooded murder of a family of five. This inhuman act was barely reported in the world press, unsurprisingly. Of course, the unfolding disaster in Japan overshadowed it -- in number of people killed, if not in beastliness. As a cynical wag once said, "dead Jews? not news!" One of the few in the Western media who reported it was Glenn Beck.

Later this week the Israeli Navy intercepted a major arms-shipment from Iran to Hamas. That, too was barely reported in the West. While "Israel Apartheid Week" shambled on, the leftist tools ignored the real Arab apartheid going on under their noses.

Despite it all, there's reason for hope. If even the most lunatic-left Israeli reporter can finally admit there's something desperately wrong in Arab society, there is hope. Though not all leftists have seen the light, more and more people have. Highlighting the difference between the Arab "culture" and ours: while they pass out candy to celebrate the slaughter of innocents, one of our leading entrepreneurs pledges to keep the shattered family fed for years.

It is especially timely and poignant that this shabbat is "Parashat Zachor", when we are commanded to remember the evil which Amalek did to us when we left Egypt. And what did Amalek do? he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, all that were enfeebled in thy rear, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God  (Deut 25:18). Just like his modern spiritual descendants, he attacked the helpless and weak, as if to say "there is no God, I can do as I will". We must remember Amalek not for the sake of vengeance, for Amalek is no longer -- we must remember Amalek because evil people still exist, and we have an obligation to battle them always and everywhere -- לֹא, תִּשְׁכָּח, you shall not forget!

Let us all pray for a safe and enjoyable Purim, and also pray that God provide us a similar salvation to the one we merited in Esther and Mordechai's days. Remember that one of the most important mitsvot of purim is giving to the poor; may it be His will we see the final redemption speedily and in our days, amen!

Until next week,
shabbat shalom and purim sameach!

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