
Blog/July 2011/Jul 8th

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Jul 8th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

What a week! We started it on vacation in the north of Israel near Tiberias. The USA celebrated its independence day, though I had to be reminded of it. Work was a pressure-cooker all week. Went to hear the mayor and a cabinet minister. Esther's brother and his family came all the way from Argentina to stay with us for a couple weeks.

So our vacation started on Thursday, when we drove up to the north by means of the coastal route. We stopped at the Herzliya boat harbor, and enjoyed a view of how the "beautiful people" live while we had a lunch. Then we continued northward along the coast, heading north of Haifa to visit with a friend of mine (from the army, almost thirty years ago). She lives in a small town in the lower Galilee, just east of Akko. From there we went to our final destination, the hotel at Kibbutz Lavi, just ten minutes from Tiberias.

We had visited that kibbutz a while back on a shiva call, and were impressed by the beauty of the area and also by the hotel there. So we decided to "go fancy" for our 25th anniversary, and stay at a nice hotel for a few days. It was really nice, relaxing and pleasant. On Friday our girls joined us and we spent a quiet shabbat together.

During the week, there was an evening event here in Maale Adummim, for the English-speaking community. The mayor (Benny Kashriel) gave the "Maale Adummim" award to a member of the Russian community here (a man who is the head of the Russian synagogue not far from us, who has done a lot of good work here). Then we heard Yuli Edelstein speak. I was surprised by how well he spoke (in almost unaccented English), and was further surprised that I agreed with much of what he said. It made for a very interesting evening, all told (though of course I didn't want to go at first).

And finally, Esther's brother Sergio and his family came late on Wednesday evening, and will be staying with us for a couple weeks. I haven't seen them in quite a few years, so it is nice to get back in touch and visit. It's also ... interesting ... to have little kids in the house again. I think I'd forgotten just how energetic kids can be!

What else? Not going to talk about work, except to say how difficult it was to go back to work after a glorious two days off! Outside of work, I was able to make a new release of Reva Forth, my first in over half a year!

Various and sundry:

As I mentioned, we've got a full house this week, B"H! The menu includes: ḥallah, ḥumous, eggplant, Israeli salad, Moroccan carrot salad, vegetable soup, barbecued lamb, barbecued pargiyot, potato salad, roasted vegetables, beets, schnitzel, chocolate brownies.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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