
Blog/November 2011/Nov 25th

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Nov 25th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

I told you last week that we were going to see a Beatles cover-band, and so we did. I wondered why an American cover-band would be playing in Maale Adummim -- no offense to our fine city, but it's hardly a prime venue for travelling bands. Turns out I had the wrong cover-band... the one we saw was "Beatles 4 Sale", not "Beatles for Sale"! These guys are from Tel-Aviv (or near there), so it's not as surprising they made it out here. In any case, they did a good job of sounding like the Beatles, and if you like the Beatles you would like these guys as well. It was a little disconcerting seeing 50+ year old women act like 'teens, but what can you do?

Back "in the day", I had a roommate who was crazy about the Beatles, so I've heard all their songs many (many!) times. But that was thirty years ago -- you'd think I would have forgotten the lyrics, but you'd be wrong. Amazing the mental cruft one collects! Anyway, at the risk of arousing the ire of my friends who differ with my opinion, I've long held that the Beatles were pretty mediocre musicians. After hearing the music again the other day, I was confirmed in my opinion, especially comparing them with (say) Frank Zappa or Pink Floyd ... just to mention two "classic Rock" bands. Not to pick a fight or anything, but I'm not alone.

Anyway, as I mentioned last week, we are car-free for the moment. So the other day Esther sent me to the shuq to pick up munchies for shabbat. As my new workplace is just off Yafo street in downtown Jerusalem, I hopped on the new light rail and went two stops to the shuq. I could have walked easily enough, but the train was much faster. I picked up the goodies I wanted, got back on the train and went one more stop, where I picked up the bus coming back to sweet old Maale Adummim. I left work at the same time I have been doing, and got home at the same time -- even though I detoured through the shuq. Note to my fellow M"A residents: the 124 is not a good choice in the afternoon! Better to go the other direction and pick up the 174; even though it's a longer trip it takes less time. If only I had listened to Esther when she told me that last week!

Sarah and Daniela had a good time together last shabbat, and Sarah continued on to Seattle while Daniela went to Baltimore to spend Thanksgiving weekend with Jeremy and his family. Sarah has been visiting with her grandma and with friends, and will spend shabbat with our Rabbi's family. B"H, she'll be leaving Sunday and arriving here Monday -- we're anxiously awaiting her arrival!

I've been asked why one should have a "firewall" running on each computer, when the "router" has one already enabled. Here's a good explanation, so I don't have to repeat it.

This is our last shabbat on our own, at least for now. We've been invited out for two meals, so our menu is rudimentary at best. Just a pot of red-lentil soup in honor of this week's Torah portion, and some rolls. Just the kind of warm-up we'll need at the end of a chilly shabbat!

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Nov 18th