
Blog/December 2011/Dec 30th

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Dec 30th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

You sick-o! Esther came down with a nasty stomach-flu this week, which put the remaining members of the household (that is, Sarah and yours-truly) on High Alert for Viruses. We've tried to avoid contact with her as much as possible, but that's a bit difficult when you are in the same house! To try to prevent Sarah and me from getting sick as well, the two of us have done the cooking ... which didn't turn out all bad -- just not especially good. We wish our wife and mother a speedy and complete recovery! רפואה שלימה!!

And on the topic of complete recoveries, I want to extend a public request to my uncle Rob that he also make a speedy and complete recovery from open-heart surgery. We expect you to be at Daniela's wedding, so you better get better!

We enjoyed a very pleasant ḥanuka party with my Har-Nof cousins (as opposed to other sets of my cousins, you know who you are!). Since Esther works with them, we don't tend to get together socially very often, but it's nice to do that too, from time to time. With that and the previous paragraph in mind, I will segue into yet another wish for a speedy and complete recovery to my cousin Tsvi who is also going in for heart surgery very soon. רפואה שלימה!!

Work has been getting progressively more involved; I'm getting more difficult tasks to do, which suits me fine. Still much less stressful than the previous engagement! I seem to end up teaching new techniques to my colleagues, particularly techniques related to using various linux tools. In my copious spare time, I'm continuing to work on the web-site project for our synagogue. I think I'll have the basic functionality working end of next week, but "stuff happens", so I can't be too sure.

The maelstrom of preparations and negotiations and plans surrounding Daniela's impending nuptials has commenced. It is possible Esther will make a trip to the US shortly to lend balance to the initial proceedings, and to "spy out the land" on our behalf -- since neither Sarah nor I can travel at the moment. We'll see and let you know soon, B"H.

This week my lovely wife has been interdicted from kitchen service, so it's up to my daughter and me to provide the vittles. We'll make: chicken soup, tuna salad, salatim, roast chicken and potatoes, full ful, zucchini and parsley pashtida, carrot and garlic pashtida, fruit

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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