Blog/July 2012/Jul 20th
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July 20th (See this week's devar torah) | Comments or questions? Click here! |
Hi, again!
It was a long, hot week in the Land! I returned to work, Sarah continued work, Daniela and Jeremy continued their vacation and Esther continued hers. We took them out for dinner in Tel Aviv and to meet with friends of ours, at the harbor. It was a beautiful evening, though T"A is very hot and muggy. The young couple went to Netanya for a day and a night, enjoying the beautiful beaches and a little privacy. They subsequently went on some short day-trips to Jerusalem and environs, and finally we took them to the airport on Wednesday night.
That night two major events also occurred: the terrorist murder of Israelis on vacation in Bulgaria, and the passing of R' Elyashiv, the most prominent sage of the "Lithuanian Hareidi" sector. Due to the events in Bulgaria, all flights to central Europe were being held up -- so the lines at the airport for check-in and security were much longer than usual. Still, the couple managed to get through with just enough time to say goodbye to us and go through the metal-scanners.
On the way back to Jerusalem, the extremely heavy traffic we had noticed on our way to the airport had thinned out ... everyone who wanted to attend was already at the funeral procession. But when we entered Jerusalem, there were people literally everywhere, cars parked in every available spot (and in non-available ones as well). According to police estimates, 250,000 people attended the funeral. A quarter of a million people! Whatever you may think of R' Elyashiv and his stance on various issues, you have to say that's an impressive outpouring of love and support.
The "kids" arrived safely back in the USA, thank God! God willing, they'll be coming back here more permanently someday in the not too distant future (I'm allowed to hope, right?). They'll be starting "normal" life now -- going to work, maintaining a home... all the mundane things that make up real life. They've earned it!
Or have they? According to the dingleberry-in-chief of the United States, if you've got a successful business, you didn't build that! If you succeed at anything, The One says, it's because of others and not because you happened to have some talent and applied yourself accordingly. I'm pretty sure Daniela and Jeremy have earned their positions so far, and I am really quite sure the US government didn't assist them in getting to where they are now.
Anyway, we're now trying to recover from the past couple months' activities, and are looking forward to a very quiet shabbat. And while we'll miss Daniela and Jeremy, we know they are starting a new life together and we wish them all the success and happiness in the world, even if they didn't build it themselves.
Sarah has had a rough week at work dealing with the new groups of immigrants. She finally broke and yelled at some "customers". Oy! But lucky her, she's only got a month or so of work left ... and then a substantial amount of time-off before she starts school "after the holidays" (the Jewish holidays, that is). So we're excited for her and also wish her all the success and happiness in the world ... but in her case, it is true the government (of Israel) has assisted her to some extent.
We're back to the "normal" shabbat. The weather is cooling down to normal, so that's a relief. This shabbat we'll be shooting for "simple": baked trout, shishlik, slow-cooked chicken-in-a-pot, corn on the cob, roasted eggplant, carrot salad, cabbage salad, fennel salad, ḥumus, fruit, chocolate muffins, and apple cake
Until next week,
shabbat shalom!
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