
Blog/May 2014/May 2nd

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May 2nd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It’s been warm, and getting warmer; that’s to be expected in early summer in the Land. Fortunately, we got our air-conditioning fixed before the heat-wave scheduled to arrive over shabbat and into the beginning of next week. The main heat is supposed to arrive on Israeli Independence Day, celebrated this year on Tuesday. I know Jeremy is happy to receive an update on the weather, but he and Daniela are even happier about the birth of their new niece (and his parents’ new grand-daughter). Mazal tov to them all!

Sarah resumed school this week, but she’s off next week (because of Memorial Day and Independence Day). Dinah will join us for Independence Day, and we’re planning on doing the obligatory BBQ. Don’t know yet what the vegetarian option will be, but the entire neighborhood will smell like smoke.

Esther and I have been, as usual, working hard on our company and product. The week started with me and the rest of my (second) company going to Orange for a meeting with one of their top executives. There, he laid out what Orange can offer us over the next three months; it was an impressive amount of support. So I’ve been working on that product and using 8th to do “computer vision” using OpenCV, which is an interesting proof-of-concept for 8th as well as intriguing (and something I’ve never done before).

We also met with our business advisors, and came to the conclusion that we really need more technical staff pretty soon — but we don’t currently have the funds nor the cash-flow to hire them. So we’re looking into some options to get us over the short-term funding hurdle, and exploring the possibilities. Ironically, the day after our meeting with those advisors, someone came to me looking for a job; we may hire him, though he’s not got the technical know-how to do some of the things I want. We’ll see…

Do you recall me complaining about leg-cramps last week? Well, the good news is that after stopping the extra medication the Dr. had prescribed, the cramps have mostly subsided. Even better, the extra meds seem to be unnecessary now, since my blood-sugar has returned to my usual levels.

Well, I need to get to work cleaning the house, so I’ll sign off for this week. This time it’s just the three of us for dinner (and lunch and third meal):
beef-vegetable soup, no-beef-vegetable soup, meatloaf, vegetable chili, tabboule, oriental tofu salad, roasted eggplant, roasted peppers with rosemary, potato salad, tuna salad, ṭeḥina, and brownies.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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