
Blog/June 2014/Jun 20th

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June 20th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Happy birthday to the one who’s been with me through thick and thin, and still keeps me around. I won’t disclose her age, but suffice it to say she’s catching up with me. We gave her a celebratory breakfast, and she had an evening out with some of her friends. May she have many, many more such days!

The news of the week was not good. Among other things, one of my cousins passed-away after a very long battle with cancer. She will be missed! Apart from that personal news, last shabbat we knew “something bad” was going on, but it wasn’t until after shabbat was over that we found out the shocking news that three Israeli teenagers had been kidnapped while making their way home from school.

We were even more shocked when we saw the names of the boys, and realized we had connections to two of them. Our CPA’s son is one of the abducted boys, and one of the others is the nephew of one of our friends. What are the chances you’ll know even one person out of eight-million, let alone two?

As you may or may not know, Israelis are not taking this lightly. The IDF and special forces units have been working around the clock for the past eight days, attempting to track down the missing boys. Because they have apparently shown that Ḥamas was responsible (despite that organization’s denials), the IDF is also engaging in a separate effort to eradicate the Ḥamas infrastructure in Judea and Samaria (what the ignorant world likes to call the “West Bank”, but which is in fact the heartland of Israel).

Even the leader of the PA, “Abu Mazen”, condemned the abduction, though in weak language — and apparently retracting his condemnation later on. But the intrepid sack of sh*t, Israeli Arab MK Hanin Zoabi, justified the kidnappings. Ironic when an enemy leader more or less condemns another enemy’s actions, while a member of our own government supports the terrorists. Even more ironic, is that one of her relatives is an Arab, Muslim, Zionist. You just never know…

The world is mostly silent. The EU finally condemned the kidnapping, five days later. But the silence from “our closest ally” (that would be the USA) has been deafening. The “leader of the free world” (that would be Obama) is apparently too busy playing golf, or supervising the IRS destruction of emails or maybe flip-flopping on Iraq to worry about the actions of the terrorists he’s funding.

What this truly brings home, to me at least, is that we (Israelis in particular, but Jews in general) can only rely on ourselves and our Father in Heaven. As King David said: “Do not put your trust in princes; in human beings, who cannot save”. He also said, “I have pursued my enemies, and overtaken them; neither did I turn back till they were consumed”. May it be God’s will we take King David’s example to heart!

To end on a positive note: we made a lot of progress this week, and are looking forward to making even more progress next week.

This week Dinah’s joining us, though she hasn’t promised to make a dessert. On our menu this time:
baked chicken, crispy home fries, veggie schnitzel, salatim, eggplant rolls, black-bean sweet-potato curry, rice, and chocolate cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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