
Blog/June 2014/Jun 27th

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June 27thsorry, no devar torah this week

Hi, again!

More than two weeks in, and the world reaction to the kidnapping of three Israeli teens is appalling. To the enduring shame of the USA and the American people, their leader only now saw fit to make a statement this Wednesday “expressing concern” about the boys. Ultimately, however, the root cause of our situation lies with our own leaders, who keep making Faustian bargains with the sub-human creatures who glorify evil and pursue it. Enough!

This week we were all engaged in our various pursuits. Sarah spent a lot of time working on films, and presented one of hers to be graded. Apparently her teachers really liked her work, and we’re happy for her success. It’s her last week of school for this year, so she’s also pretty happy about that. I can’t believe my baby is going on to her third year of college!

On the other side of the Pond, Daniela has finished her school year as well, her last as a teacher of first-graders. They threw her a party, and while she will be missed, I think she’s very glad to be moving on to more intellectual pursuits.

Esther and I spent a lot of time traveling to meetings this week in Tel Aviv. One of the meetings was a complete waste of my time, as I sat in on a “high-level” discussion with no technical content at all. The other meeting was actually interesting, though non-technical; we met a lawyer who specializes in accompanying start-up companies.

Esther worked on our website and related things, and it’s starting to look very nice. I worked on the manual for our product, and that’s starting to look real. I, on the other hand, am spending almost all my time working for this other company, and I cannot adequately do both. So I sent out a “reset notice” today saying that we need to make sure we agree on the terms under which I am providing service to them. They responded that we’ll have a conversation about it on Sunday.

The good news (for our company) is that the new employee is cranking out work, and taking up some part of the load which I don’t have to do. So that’s a good thing; now I have to train her more in the “internals” of the product so she has a deeper knowledge. All in good time.

There’s a heat-wave rolling in, and it’s supposed to be with us for the next four days or so. Here on the edge of the Judean desert it is getting really warm. Let’s pray the weather doesn’t interfere with our troops’ efforts to find the missing boys.

This week nobody extra is staying with us, but we’ve got guests for lunch. We’ll be serving up:
cauliflower soup, stir-fry noodles with tofu and mushrooms, carrot kugel, roasted vegetables, veggie cholent, grilled kebabs, grilled hot dogs, salatim, and chocolate sorbet.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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