
Blog/August 2015/Aug 14th

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Aug 14th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Another in a long series of “busy weeks”! Fruity confections, awesome bedding, weddings, Microsoft shenanigans — and more! The weather cooled to average for the season, which was a relief. And the King is in the field!

After a mere two decades, Sarah’s mattress had reached “end of life”. So a week or so ago we ordered a new one for her from “Halomot” (“Dreams”), and this week we picked it up. Suffice it to say that Sarah’s much more comfortable now that she has a mattress befitting an adult.

And late on Sunday we finally received the Raspberry Pi computer we had ordered, and I subsequently spent 90% of my time making 8th work correctly on it. At the start of the week, the port was working 90% correctly; and as of Thursday morning I had it working 95% correctly. Finally, late Thursday I got it to 98%… so this coming week, B”H, we’ll be releasing version 1.1.1, which will support the “Raspberry Pi” — and is smaller, faster and more reliable than all previous versions of 8th. Onward, to embedded systems!

Among other things, we’ve entered the “wedding season”. It’s that, because for illegitimate reasons, latter-day Rabbis over the years decided to exclude both the “ʼomer” period as well as the “three weeks” from being acceptable times to marry, making the resultant bits and pieces of the summer season a frantic scramble for wedding dates. Anyway, we attended one wedding this week, have another this coming week, and yet another the following week. So we’ll be busy with those.

I’ve mentioned that Sarah upgraded her computer to Windows 10. Though she’s happy with it, in retrospect upgrading may have been a mistake. Not just because of the inevitable raft of bugs which Microsoft fixes from time to time, but also because of serious privacy issues as well as a nickel-and-dime policy which is hard to fathom. However, it must be said that Windows 10 is the new Windows 7 — and avoids the seriously stupid UX issues which plagued the 8 series.

What else?

Though this past week was seasonable, the upcoming one looks to be a repeat of the heat wave we just put behind us. <sigh>…

This shabbat we begin the month of ’Elul, when according to Chassidic philosophy “The King is in the field”. The idea being that though the King is available to His subjects year-round, during ’Elul He is “in the field” where His subjects are, and thus is even more available than usual. Regardless of what you think of Chassidic notions, the idea that ’Elul is a good time to start working on teshuva is not a bad one. Just a (lunar) month from this shabbat we’ll be in the throes of Rosh Hashanah, starting the period where we and the world are judged by the True Judge. It’s only reasonable to try to shake the dust off your shoes and straighten yourself up before then, no?

No rest for the weary! This week we’ve got one of Sarah’s friends and her husband, as well as a possible reprise of Dinah. The menu will most likely contain:
grilled chicken breast, braised turkey legs, roasted potatoes and yams, beet salad, coleslaw, lentil salad, oriental noodle salad, roasted eggplant, stir-fried veggies with rice, and iced cupcakes.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh tov!

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