
Blog/January 2016/Jan 29th

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Jan 29th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Man, was it cold this week! We were promised a “heavy accumulation of snow” in the Jerusalem area, but like so many promises, that one didn’t materialize. Nevertheless, it was very cold — right above freezing — most of this week. Now the temperatures are climbing back up to the seasonal norms, which is welcome.

This week saw “International Holocaust Remembrance Day”. So naturally, all the anti-Semites came out to play — we were not disappointed! The leader of Iran published a holocaust-denial video. The leader of the UN justified Arab barbarity in the Land, saying “it is human nature to react to occupation”. Canada’s leader omitted mention of Jews altogether from his statement on the Holocaust. O, Canada! You used to be a staunch ally. The leader of the US said, “we are all Jews”. Well, no, we’re not. Not even close. That same US is requiring that products from Judea and Samaria be labeled differently. Just like the EU. Yellow stars, innit?

The situation in the US is getting more and more unsettling. The next President may be Trump or Sanders, God help us all. It’s as if the choice were between Putin and Lenin. The Obama administration’s race-pandering has led directly to segregationist nihilism. Economic indicators there are not too encouraging, with GDP expanding slower than expected and exports dropping. Labor-force participation (the number of people employed and/or looking for work) is almost the lowest it’s been over the past ten-years, at 62%. Interestingly, that rate only started declining in 2009, once Obama was in office, and it’s been trending downwards ever since. The Consumer Price Index has been steadily rising, while personal income has remained static. Make of that what you will.

As for us, B”H! things are going reasonably well. Sarah’s on vacation from school. Esther’s been working and performing threadly miracles. We’re still in negotiations with the company we’ve mentioned in the past (hopefully, this coming week will see a resolution). We’re getting more takers for our product, and their feedback is almost always positive. Things are finally looking up!

We’re looking forward to a quiet, cool and partly cloudy shabbat! As of right now, it’s overcast though we were promised “partly cloudy”. Oh, well, nobody’s perfect…

It’s just the three of us this shabbat. On the menu:
chicken schnitzel, veggie soup, stuffed zucchini. roasted veggies. veggie chili. rice, and cookies or muffins or brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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