
Blog/April 2016/Apr 22nd

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Apr 22nd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Spring is in the air, and so is pesaḥ! This week was spent mostly getting ready for shabbat-pesaḥ by getting supplies, cleaning up in general, and taking care of business.

Speaking of business: we started an Indiegogo fundraising campaign, looking to raise funds for a project. Now’s your chance, before the holiday, to make a difference! Please take a look at our campaign, and pass it along to others who may be interested. Feel free to make a contribution as well!

Also speaking of business: about a month ago, I started aggressively sending out “blind emails” to companies which might be interested in our products or services. This week, one of the first companies I contacted got back to me to set up a meeting after pesaḥ! So it’s a numbers-game, and the important thing is to just keep at it consistently.

One day we went to the shuq to get vegetables and other necessities. You might have thought they were giving stuff away for free at the shuq, considering how crowded it was. Several elderly women stabbed me with their elbows. Fortunately, I’ve been toughened by living in the Land. Anyway, we managed to get most of the veggies we needed, which is a Good Thing.

I’ve got a tradition: just before pesaḥ I go to the shuq, and visit a particular vendor there, and buy two new kippoth (yarmulkes, Jew-beanies). This time we went to the shuq very early, and my guy wasn’t there yet. Despondent, I tried to find my necessities in our home-town, to no avail. So we went back later in the week (and later in the day) to the shuq, and I was able to acquire what I needed. After that, Esther and I went out for lunch to a place I’ve been wanting to try for a long time, a shawarma place at the entrance to the city. The portions were so big, I don’t feel any need to eat again until the seder (but I will, anyway).

And because we were on a health-food spree, we had a falafel the previous day. So I think Esther and I have fulfilled all the pre-pesaḥ obligations to the full extent required by Law.

Did we mention our Indiegogo fundraising campaign? Right, we did. So please take a look, don’t be shy!

Next year, B”H, I’m going to try to make my own matsa. Don’t worry, I’ll practice during the year, first.

As far as “next year in Jerusalem”, watch this video and then tell me how difficult it would be for you to make aliyah

So I’ll sign-off for now, since we’ve got plenty of preparations yet to do today. Wishing everyone a happy and kosher pesaḥ, and a peaceful shabbat!

Pesaḥ is here! Lots of people around the seder table this year. We’ll have::
wine (at least four cups, but not all at once), karpas (vegetable hors d’oeuvre), matsa (Jewish flat-bread), maror (bitter herbs), ḥarsoeth two ways (Sephardi and Ashkenazi. We don’t discriminate), huevos haminados, matsa-ball soup, turkey breast, chicken, brisket, braised leeks, glazed carrots, stuffed artichokes, potato kugel, cabbage salad, rice, green beans, mushroom pâté, roasted eggplant, cakes, and various kinds of fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag pesaḥ kasher!

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