
Blog/December 2023/Dec 29th

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December 29th Comments or questions? Click here!

It should come as no surprise to my habitual readers that I’ve got no odd “tidbits” from the interwebs to share this week, since we were otherwise engaged.

The flight to the US is a long one, but it was pleasant enough, and the food on-board was pretty good (much to my surprise). Traveling on 25 Dec is a good choice: we breezed through immigration and customs at JFK.

We were collected by Daniela and the Grands (should that be the name of a band?), who most graciously arose very early in the morning to fetch us. The trip to their home took less than an hour, and we were unpacking gifts shortly thereafter.

Jet-lag was severe the first day, as we arrived at 05:30 and stayed up until 20:30 (all we could manage). The second day we managed to stay awake until 21:30; the third we were more or less acclimated.

The weather has been cold but not freezing, pretty typical and not oppressive. We’ve kept very busy with the Grands, since they’ve been off school this week. We’re looking forward to a shabbat full of book-reading and game-playing and mild roughhousing.

My cousin, his wife and daughter came out to NY to visit; we haven’t seen them in a few years, so that was nice. I’ve got plans to meet up with other relatives as well, though how many will actually meet us remains to be seen.

I’ll make more of an effort at the blog, next week…

This shabbat we’re at Daniela’s. No idea what the menu is!

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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