
Blog/September 2024/Sep 20th

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Sep 20th Comments or questions? Click here!

Welp. We started off the week with another (apparent) attempted assassination of Trump, less than two months before the election. Swell!

Then on Tuesday, the Grim Beeper attacked Hezb’allah commanders – several thousand of them simultaneously – many of whom underwent sudden radical circumcision, while others were de-digitized or suddenly misplaced an eye or two. The Iranian ambassador to LB was also affected, which is shocking – because who would have thought an Iranian functionary would be in close communication with Hezb’allah?!?

We were literally in shock by the absolutely incredible “James Bond”-like character of “Operation Fire Balls”. One might ask what did it accomplish? Among other things, our “cred” amongst our Arab neighbors went up a whole helluva lot. It’s also certain that our extensive intelligence capabilities were running at 200% capacity to map out exactly who, what, and where all the Hezb’ assets were, once they started running to the hospitals (or got carted to the dump).

The next day, even more devices exploded in LB, this time radios and even sabotaged solar-panels (what?). Yes. Hezb’ is in a state of extreme anxiety right now. So are their masters in IR.

As of this writing, we’ve destroyed 1,000 Hezb’ missiles and have moved troops and armor to the border with LB. So I’m anticipating a noisy shabbat.

There are things:

  • CNN inexplicably does news. I know, right?
  • The potential POTUS, Sra. Cackles, backs withholding the 2,000 lb. bombs from Israel. And she’s targeting Arab voters by highlighting “Gaza suffering”. Just in case you missed those tidbits.
  • A thread on why beeper-gate was not illegal according to the standard rules of warfare.
  • Another thread on possible ways the attack was accomplished. No, I was not involved at any stage in the planning or execution of it, more’s the pity!
  • The “chefs-kiss”: Hizb’ paid IL for the beepers, through a Mossad shell-company. I’m waiting for the movie to come out!
  • As we approach Armageddon, why not make yourself a few “staff slings”? They’re dirt cheap and anyone can learn to use them!

Esther and I spent the time we weren’t glued to our screens, doing our usual work. She missed a deadline by mistake, and is still beating herself up over it. I worked on fixing bugs and improving 8th; and satisfying my client’s requests. But mostly, I was glued to my screen, not gonna lie…

Besides that, we also met up with my cousins one evening, which was a pleasure we’d put off for too long.

The weather here was quite nice actually. We’ve barely used the AC at all! But the weather is “unsettled”, so a bit warmer for shabbat and then cooler, then a heatwave. sigh.

Once again, we’re invited out for a meal this shabbat; for the rest, our menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, mushroom soup, roast chicken, roast eggplant, various salatim, and hawayij cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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