
Blog/September 2024/Sep 27th

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Sep 27th Comments or questions? Click here!

We woke up this morning to news that the Houthis of Yemen, courtesy of the IRGC of Iran, fired a ballistic missile towards Tel Aviv. Thank God, it was intercepted by an Arrow interceptor. You might well ask yourself, “why are the Houthis trying to kill Israelis?”. You might also ask yourself, “why haven’t we turned Yemen into a parking lot?”. These are both valuable questions.

The war against the demonic spawn calling themselves “Hizb’allah”, in the north, continues apace. Incredibly, Bibi has not bowed to US and EU pressure to cease-fire. Perhaps because he knows around 70% of the Israeli public are adamantly against stopping until Hezb’ is eradicated (or, at least, poses no threat for the reasonable future).

But again, you might well ask yourself, “why is the US administration so hell-bent on saving Hezb’ and Hamas?”. Furthermore, “why is the US admin. so anxious to appease Iran?”. I don’t know the answers to those questions; but I do know that the US has ceased to be a meaningful “ally” to us. I also know that others in the Middle East are wondering where in the hell their US support is, as the 7th century Pirates of Yemen severely impact world shipping.

I’m “just asking questions”, y’all. And Biden and Harris can both eat a bag of rancid Richards.

Stuff (and nonsense):

Only a few more days until rosh hashanah, and we’re feeling so unprepared it’s a bit of a worry. This entire past year has been “difficult” to say the least, and I know at least for myself that excessive use of expletives is something I need to work on. Increasing the variety thereof, at the very least…

We’ve got to do a bit of organizing yet for the holidays, but we’ve successfully put if off this long, so Sunday it is! B”H, bli neder.

This week’s weather was mostly very pleasant, though we’re looking at a small heat-wave for shabbat. Next week should be cooler with the possibility of rain. And then rosh hashanah

We’re on our own this shabbat, and will be enjoying:
homemade ḥalla, traditional cholent, pastel de papas, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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