
Blog/July 2023/Jul 7th

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July 7th Comments or questions? Click here!

As you might expect, we spent the majority of our time being with the Grands and their keepers. Too many funny vignettes to recount, honestly.

The kids manage to surprise us every day with something new; sometimes a “song” or “joke” they picked up from school or camp, sometimes a complete invention on their part. And boy, are they inventive! One short “song” they came back with:

“My name is Bob; I’m your best friend. If you don’t give me money; the song will never end!”. A career in the Cosa Nostra awaits them.

Jojo hasn’t found a card game he doesn’t like — and he plays only by his unique rules. I’ve played innumerable games of “kuku-taki”, and doubtless many more are in my immediate future. It’s fortunate for the lad he’s indescribably cute and personable!


It need not be stressed that I’ve accomplished nothing whatsoever work-wise this week. I anticipate a similar lack of progress next week.

One day (as seems to be the custom), Daniela and Jeremy left us to care for the tykes. The following day, upon their return, said tykes ratted me out. “Saba didn’t floss my teeth!”. “Saba didn’t get our clothes out!”. Little tattle-tales.

I seem to have acquired a cough. Hopefully it will depart as suddenly as it appeared…

This shabbat’s menu is once again by Daniela, except for my wife’s late grandmother’s eggplant, which Esther prepared as per Daniela’s command.
homemade ḥalla, mushroom soup, roasted chicken, roasted veg, abuela Esther’s eggplant, eggplant with chickpeas and tomato sauce, sushi board, lasagna, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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