
Blog/August 2024/Aug 23rd

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Aug 23rd Comments or questions? Click here!

It was an unusually socially active week for us.

We started by meeting up with friends to celebrate our mutual “aliyaversary”. The next day we went to help my cousins “dedicate” their new house. Another day we went together to the doctor’s for a routine checkup, and then enjoyed a lunch in the shuq. We drove through the new tunnel from our side of Jerusalem, bypassing “French Hill” traffic; it cut 20 minutes off the commute time!

This is, I think, more social activity than we usually have in an entire month.

One morning I awakened to the sound of a UPS beeping. Checking the breaker box, I saw that one had flipped. It turns out my main development machine had thrown a fit and died, taking down the power on that circuit. I don’t know if it was the machine’s power-supply or the motherboard, but it was dead as a doornail. I mean, it was twelve years old, but still rude…

Fortunately, I had already planned on repurposing my otherwise useless Macbook Pro (late 2013) and converting it to a Linux box. However, I’d planned on doing that after getting a couple of parts in the US on our next visit. But lacking an alternative, I went ahead with the conversion…

… and I’m still working on it. The Apple hardware is a bit quirky, and the built-in WiFi is unstable. Luckily, I have some alternatives which work much better. The disk is also smaller than I’d like, but I have no alternative at present for that.Oof, I hate these kinds of surprises! But I’m happy to say that Mint runs like a champ on the old hardware, so all’s well that ends well.

A few notable things:

  • The Democratic National Convention (“DNC”) commenced this week. Or, as it’s been advertised, the “D&C”.
  • The one presumed to be still be POTUS legitimized pro-Hamas rioters who gathered outside the DNC. I guess he really doesn’t need to pretend to care about Jews or Israel any more.
  • The newly endorsed potential-POTUS on seizing patents on CSPAN in 2019. Never mind, you’ll love her new unrealized-gains tax!
  • Mallen on America spending its way into oblivion. Good thing the economy is so robust!
  • Thread: the mistake the author made prior to Oct 7th. The same author with another thread on Lebanon and how it got to its lamentable state.
  • And John Fetterman has no regrets. Y’know? I’d vote for him if I could, though I don’t agree with all his positions. He reminds me that there used to be sane Democrats, alas!

Despite doing the PT exercises my practitioner gave me, my shoulder isn’t feeling any better. I hope the next session improves things, because it’s very annoying.

Once again, our weather was normal ME summer, and will continue to be hot but cooling slightly in the near future, presumably.

This shabbat we’ve got:
pita from the shuq, baked chicken, roasted potatoes, various salatim, and plum tart.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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