
Blog/August 2024/Aug 16th

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Aug 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week flew by before we knew it. The fast on Tuesday threw off our internal calendars and interfered with our work schedules, so we didn't accomplish as much as we could have.

On the other hand, Sarah and Yarin were busy interviewing for jobs, and hopefully will hear good news soon. Daniela et fam visited Jeremy’s grandparents, and made a mini-vacation out of it. We visited some friends in far-off Beit Shemesh. So despite the fast, good times.

I’m afraid it looks like we need to be prepared for a Harris presidency. That will be an existential threat for Israel; but it will also be an absolute disaster for the USA and the world at large. From the reactions I’ve garnered from my readers and others, it seems the main reasons people want her are: (1) preserving their ability to kill unborn children, and (2) Trump bad. But what are her actual policies? Why has she steadfastly refused to be interviewed publicly by serious journalists or debate her opponent? Why does nobody seem to care that she was emplaced by Democrat Party apparatchiks without a single vote having been cast?

People of the USA: you are witnessing, in real time, an actual coup; and you’re OK with that. George Orwell is spinning at 3000 RPM in his grave.

The pushback I got for my statement last week that her running-mate Walz abandoned his unit in time of war was quite impressively emotional. However, there are receipts.

Amongst the rubble:

It looks like our preemptive attack on Iran’s capabilities is taking a subtle approach. I’m hoping we’ll see their nuclear facilities have “unexplained failures”. Maybe another few of their top leaders being upgraded to the 72-virgin club.

The weather this week was normal ME summer, and will continue to be hot but not overwhelmingly so for the near future. Well, unless…

This shabbat, our menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, meatballs and rice, various salatim, and fruit crumble.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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