
Blog/May 2019/May 17th

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May 17th Comments or questions? Click here!

It’s a heat-wave, heat-wave!

With temperatures in the mid-30s all week, and not very much overnight cooling, we are experiencing a sudden and unpleasant heat-wave. While summer is officially still a month off, we’re getting some now. Oh, well; at least it’s a dry heat (rel. humidity 13%)!

Despite the temperatures, our brethren and sisteren and otheren in Tel Aviv have been hosting Eurovision 2019. For those of you with lives to lead, “Eurovision” is a European song contest which has been held every year since the mid-1950s; nobody knows why. Nor does anyone know why Israel (physically located in Asia), or Australia (physically located near Wakanda), are participants in a European contest. Fortunately for us, the EuroTourists are all in the T”A area and have left our area of Asia unsullied (for now).

My plans for World Domination™ are proceeding apace: this week I received some new SBCs (single-board computers) from a “Raspberry Pi” competitor who I contacted a month or so ago. Because they’re playing nice with me, I’ll make sure “8th” supports their hardware nicely. Perhaps more will come out of the relationship; only time will tell.

Bits and pieces:

  • An important and interesting read: Bukovsky’s “Judgement in Moscow”. The subtitle is “Soviet crimes and Western hypocrisy” — which explains why the big publishers in the West didn’t rush to publish an English language translation.
  • A much less important or interesting read: “P is for Palestine”. And “I” is for “itbaḥ al-yahud”.
  • A subversive read: The Rainbow Fish.

A lot of noise was made this week concerning a WhatsApp breach apparently utilized by an Israeli company. This is indeed a serious security breach, and if you use WhatsApp, you must upgrade it. A better solution is to use Signal, whose encryption WhatsApp actually uses (and misuses). Lest you forget: WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. You know, the company whose business model is selling your information and therefore has no interest in protecting your privacy?

In other news: Sarah’s been rearranging her “new” store, now that she’s a manager. The previous manager was a bit of a pack-rat. An eclectic pack-rat. So Sarah’s been working on removing the eclectic book choices and replacing them with ones which will actually sell. Good luck to her!

Twins update: Gabriel seems to think he needs to have his (toy) corn in his hands at all times. Naomi keeps the (toy) knife in her hands at all times. What does it all mean? Both seem to be on the verge of walking.

The heat-wave is supposed to abate by this evening; that will be appreciated, should it happen! The forecast says the weekend will be pleasant, and then another heat-wave will roll in. I forecast higher electric bills.

This time around it’s just the basic three. We’ll enjoy the slightly less-hot weather and:
homemade ḥalla, Lancashire hot-pot, “dirty rice” and beans, smoked salmon, various salatim, and oatmeal bars.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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