
Blog/May 2019/May 10th

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I made the first sourdough of the season this week, and it was really good even if I say so myself. I was impressed with how easily the sour was made this year; perhaps because I’ve made it in the past, some of the necessary flora are always hanging around the kitchen.

We celebrated Israel’s 71st “Independence Day” on Thursday. It was very quiet, though the smell of burning coals and roasting meats filled the air everywhere. Since we started the week with about 700 rockets having been fired from Gaza into Israel, with four fatalities and a number of casualties, we were anticipating a “noisy” Independence Day. But since we have King Bibi to lead us, we need never fear a decisive victory over our enemies; instead, we got yet another in a long series of “cease-fires”. Perhaps when we act like a sovereign nation we’ll have “Independence”, indeed. We may be the only democracy in the ME, but it would be nice if we acted as if we understood that the other players in the sandbox don’t believe in democracy or human rights or our right to exist.

In my country of birth, the Democrat party is going ever farther into anti-Semite-Land. Of course, it’s not just the D’s who hark the siren call of Progressive anti-Semitism; the “culture” is making it quite respectable to denigrate people solely because they are somehow “Jewish” (even when they aren’t). I mourn for my birth-nation, and I pray my fellow Jews leave while it’s still easy to do so; very few will, though, until it’s too late, if history is a guide.

Some good things and some less good:

Well, what else? I made a new release of 8th this week. This release has a number of performance improvements and bug fixes. Not that you care…

… but you probably do care that our weather has been very pleasant though cool for the past couple days. That’s going to end over shabbat, and temperatures (in Jerusalem) will reach 34-35C by Tuesday. Yikes!

Mom and I took a trip to Tel Aviv this week and met up with Sarah at her work, where she is now officially the store manager! We had a short visit and some food, and returned back to the back-country; Sarah remained vigilant at her post, and is reorganizing the store.

This shabbat we and our dinner guest will enjoy:
homemade ḥalla, pressurized chicken, grilled lamb chops, basmati rice, various salatim, and date-nut cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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