
Blog/June 2019/Jun 7th

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June 7th Comments or questions? Click here!

We were very busy this week, trying to wrap up loose-ends before Esther’s trip to the US and the upcoming shavuot holiday. So I apologize in advance to some of you who are still awaiting responses to emails.

My busyness was primarily related to trying to figure out various issues for one of my clients: Android is easy to program for, but quite difficult to get to behave just as you want. And for “8th” I’m working on a secure client-server synchronization library so that, for example, you could ensure your Android phone and your Windows machine running an 8th program would have the same data. The fun part is in reducing the “attack surface” as much as possible, so that even if someone intercepts the data stream, they can’t get much useful information.

Esther’s busyness was split between finishing up tax reports etc. for her company’s clients, and getting herself ready for the trip. The ostensible reason for the trip is that she needs to physically present herself at an IRS office in order to get some kind of license from them (why? why ask why, it’s the gov’t!). But the true reason is that she can’t stay away from the babies. I’m jealous.

Sarah finished reorganizing her store, and her manager came to inspect and gave her approval. So now my daughter needs to concentrate on selling books…

In local news: the Elections Part II are engendering all kinds of turmoil. One of the “coalition allies” made a comment about increasing reliance on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the world exploded. Netanyahu said, “Israel won’t be a theocracy” (not that that is what the guy had said, but polemics don’t need facts). As for me, I would be very pleased to have a “theocracy” if it were done according to proper halakha. There wouldn’t be arbitrary arrests, there would be essentially no imprisonment, property rights would be zealously guarded, and despite what people think: virtually no capital punishment (because halakha makes its implementation almost impossible).

Some things:

On that note: "Pride month", really? Black Americans were enslaved, killed, and systematically discriminated against for a very long time. So they legitimately rate a "Black History Month". But LGBTQI2+ etc. etc.? How does anything associated with them justify a whole frickin' month of "pride"? Or for that matter, even one second's worth?

Furthermore: what’s to be proud of? If, as is claimed, “sexual orientation” is something inherent, present from birth — then there’s nothing to “celebrate”, since it’s in no way an accomplishment. One could justify as well a “Gingers Pride Month” or a “Left-handers Pride Month”. And if it’s an acquired trait, in what way is it praiseworthy and something of which to be proud? Should we then have “Thieve’s Pride Month” or “Adulterer’s Pride Month”? It’s asinine.

But worse than being asinine, it’s the continuation of a decades-long battle being waged against Western values (which are primarily based in Jewish and Christian beliefs) by the “Progressives”. Unfortunately, I don’t see an end to the insanity. After all, we’re at a place now where we can be labeled some-kind-of “phobic” and punished for calling a man a man if he thinks he’s a woman. Insanity, and a harbinger of the end of the West.

HOWEVER: we here in The Land are preparing for both shabbat, and the holiday of shavuot which immediately follows shabbat. The holiday which celebrates the giving of the Torah, which is arguably the spiritual birth of the Jewish nation. The same Torah which is the foundation for the halakha which determines how Jews are to behave; maybe Bibi should read it sometime.

The weather hasn’t been as cool here as was being forecast. In fact, it’s been too warm. We’re hoping that the promised break will come today, since it’s effectively a two-day holiday for us and we want pleasant weather!

We’ve got guests for yom-tov. For that and shabbat we’ve got:
homemade ḥalla, onion-poppy sourdough rolls, baked fish, lentil soup, gazpacho, artichoke and ricotta manicotti, greek salad, veggie lasagna, salad, stuffed tomatoes, green beans, other salads, chocotorta, and homemade ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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