
Blog/May 2019/May 31st

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May 31st Comments or questions? Click here!

We were as busy as usual this week. And we survived my cooking for shabbat.

The big news in our neck of the woods is that the Knesset has been dispersed and we’re going to have elections. Again. In September. For no good reason. As the pundits put it, “The results of the election are in: nobody won, and Bibi lost”. I disagree: we all lost — the new elections will cost us around 500M ILS, which is a lot of money even if it is sheqels. I think the cost should be deducted from Liberman’s pensions and assets, since he’s the proximal cause of this fiasco.

In SJW news: Guido van Rossum, the creator of the programming language “Python” has said he won’t mentor white guys. Because, apparently, “They are not the ones who need it most.” Perhaps he’s thinking of the new SAT “adversity score”. Of course Guido can do whatever he wants, but he did just give me an additional reason to hate Python, as if I needed another.

Esther’s getting some training in (don’t ask what for, it’s IRS stuff) and has got herself ready for her upcoming trip to the IRS in the USA. She’ll be going just after shavuot, for a week; the actual IRS visit is presumably only a 15 minute meeting. But grandkids and stuff, so it’ll be a week. I and my mother will remain at home, tending the cook-fires and such.

Sarah’s continuing to “renovate” her store by getting rid of old (like, really old!) merchandise and organizing the remaining stuff so it’s in a logical order. Then the delivery folk came and just dumped boxes all over the floor and disrupted the displays. I don’t envy her.

Various oddments:

  • Google is working on cold-fusion. I’m not sure having our cybernetic overlords be fusion powered is going to work out well.
  • Why UBI (Universal Basic Income) doesn’t work. Something about “incentive”…
  • Lebanon refuses to naturalize Palestinian refugees. That’s not news: none of the Arab countries has yet accepted any “Palestinians” as citizens — that wouldn’t serve their propaganda purposes.
  • Holocaust revisionism at Williams College. Not an isolated instance, I’m afraid.
  • And finally, 41% of college students don’t think “hate speech” should be protected under the First Amendment. Remember, folks: these are your future leaders. Fear for your future!

I’ve been busily working on both 8th and customer projects. I’m working on getting rid of some almost redundant code in 8th, which will make it a bit smaller and more reliable. I also have been working on improving the efficiency of the built-in server, and fixing the odd bug.

And “23andme” has come through: I found an actual cousin I never knew about this week, a 2nd cousin from my mom’s father’s family. I’m in the process of gathering more information about that branch of the family now.

The temperatures this week have been pretty hideous, reaching over 40C at times. Finally the heat-wave is breaking, and we’re supposed to have more typical 30-32C temperatures starting tomorrow. We’re going to stock up on cold liquids.

It’s too hot to cook a lot; but it is after all shabbat, so we’ll have:
ḥalla, cold wine, cold water, brisket, oven-fried potatoes, veggie chili and rice, various salatim, ice-cream, and melons.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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