
Blog/February 2021/Feb 12th

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Feb 12th Comments or questions? Click here!

The three of us are now Pfully Vaccinated by Pfizer™. Sarah's lined up for her own set of shots (as is Yarin), since the vaccinations have been opened up to her age group. Daniela's started her sequence, and only Jeremy waits, disconsolate, for the opportunity to get jabbed. It's not that much fun, Jeremy… happy birthday, anyway!

As mentioned last week, I got our personal secure "cloud" up and running. And as intended, I wrote up a long description of how I put it together, and how you might also. It's a bit technical, but not too far out of reach for most of you, I think. I could be wrong about that.

Because of the impending onslaught of Passover, I wrapped up this-year's sourdough extravaganza with a final loaf. Though it did not release from the rising container at all, and thus looked like a spiky-haired teenager when baked, it was nevertheless an excellent bake. requiescat in pace, sourdough 2020!

And with the holiday of Purim just two weeks away, many of us are trying to decide on our plans. It seems the gov't is making plans on our behalf. "Purim by Capsules". Whatever will they think of next?


  • Andrew Jackson, though by all accounts a fairly awful person, was pretty bad-ass. Can you imagine any president of the past century defeating an assassin with nothing but a walking-stick?
  • Apple's expensive "MacBook Air" machines die due to insufficient ventilation. Slick move, Apple!
  • You will soon be able to eat a lab-grown ribeye steak, thanks to an Israeli company. Because meat isn't already expensive enough.
  • Then there are iron snails that live in volcanoes. Yeah, that's a thing. The Apocalypse must surely be imminent.
  • The Presidential Peloton is a serious security risk.
  • Incredibly, the Israel Air Force uses Google Forms and has exposed personal details of thousands of soldiers. So much for our vaunted cyber-foo.
  • Last but not least, the ludicrous yet poignant saga of the woman who ran out of her chosen hair product, and felt Gorilla Glue would do for her doo. A moment of silence for all the departed brain-cells, please…

The Disney Corporation, in an effort to enhance its "woke-cred", fired Gina Carano, one of the actors in the "Mandalorian" series. Her "abhorrent" posts were right-wing, while similarly "abhorrent" posts by her costar Pedro were excused because they were left-wing. Are you feeling the Love and Unity yet?

I made another release of 8th this week. Mostly bug fixes, but a few improvements as well (as usual).

We had much warmer than usual weather this week, and the warm weather will continue through the weekend. Then we're supposed to get much colder than usual weather, close to freezing with rain and/or hail mid-week. The weather's as consistent as our government!

We'll have some of these on our shabbat menu:
homemade pitot, split-pea soup, stuffed vegetables, veggie cholent, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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