
Blog/February 2021/Feb 5th

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Feb 5th Comments or questions? Click here!

I got my passport! My “green passport”, that is. Both my mom and I were eligible to get this much coveted, though apparently useless, proof of having been vaccinated. The government website issuing them was overloaded, so it took a great many attempts before the document was issued. To their credit, the information is in Hebrew and English, specifying name, ID number, passport number, date of vaccination, and the document’s expiry date.

Alas! we’re nevertheless still in extreme lockdown until Sunday at least. Should we actually manage to effect our trip to the US, we’ll still be required to wear masks “on all conveyances”, according to the CDC, as directed by the Biden Administration. The Theater of the Absurd marches on!

I ordered something from “AliExpress” about a month ago, and it arrived yesterday. With shipping from China it cost a quarter of what the same thing would have cost here in the Land. So even though the CCP is in fact evil, and they probably leaked COVID-19 (whether on purpose or by accident), and they are genociding the Uyghurs, I still did business with them. Because my outrage is selective and inconsistent, and I only have so much of it on offer. Perhaps I’m even a bad person — my phone is also Chinese, so sue me…

I’m unsure whether or not my car battery is also Chinese, but there’s no question that the Honda “Jazz” Hybrid’s battery is a piece of (insert synonym for excrement). I’ve had the car for three years, and I’ve changed the battery twice so far. Apparently the engineers at Honda wanted to cut down the car’s weight so much, they put the absolute smallest battery possible in the car. It’s actually a motorcycle battery, and it’s… let’s just say it could have been bigger. Sometimes size does matter!

Hashtag #TheWorldGoneCrazy:

  • Dictionary entry: “bidenize” — transitive verb — to claim to act in the interest of amity and the public good, while simultaneously ridiculing half the public and bringing financial disaster upon everyone.
  • On that note, I find it particularly curious that people who went on and on ad naseum about "Russian Collusion"™ see nothing ironic in supporting the creation of a plethora of "Czars".
  • Poor AOC can’t catch a break! Sure, she wasn’t actually in the Capitol during the riot during which she “almost died”, but Matt Walsh has some comforting words to offer her.
  • The French beauty-products company Sephora sacks and smears an (apparently) famous YouTuber they hired to promote their products, because a Twitter troll complained about her being conservative.
  • People keep claiming the US 2nd Amendment only covers “muskets”, at best. Perhaps they should read up on what the founding Fathers had to say. They actually had quite a lot to say, and it’s not supportive of these modern notions. After all, advanced military technology at the time was muskets, so defending against a tyrannical government could reasonably be accomplished using muskets. The technology has advanced since the 1780s.
  • The Big Tech Bullies are in high dudgeon. Even little ‘ole me got suppressed by The Man this week (“The Man” being Twitter).

Apropos “The Man”, I’ve been working on my “cloud” project as I mentioned last week. This week it became fully functional. The instability I had previously noted was due to an old (and unsupported) version of the OS I was using; once I changed that, things started working really well. So now we’ve got the equivalent of Google Calendar, and Contacts, and Drive — all on a well-secured server we control. It’s delicious! I also managed to get my (yes, Chinese) phone to synchronize contacts/calendar/tasks with our server instead of with Google. I think I’ll write up just how to do this, separately, in a full-length article.

Esther found “Napa cabbage” at the store this week, so I turned it into “quick kimchee. The garlic overload was fabulous!

We had warmer than usual weather, until it turned cooler than normal and a deluge ensued. Quite a lot of rain, with thunder and lightning. About time! This weekend we’ll have some drizzle, maybe some rain, but it will return to above-average temperatures for the rest of the week.

Our shabbat menu this week includes:
homemade ḥalla, sweet-potato soup, lemon chicken, roasted potatoes, perhaps some kimchee, various salatim, and chocolate cup-cakes.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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