
Blog/January 2021/Jan 29th

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Jan 29th Comments or questions? Click here!

As always, but especially in these troubled times, it’s important to maintain a sense of humor as well as a sense of proportion. I regularly make “humorous” posts on Twitter. Dad humor, mostly. The other day I posted: “The fact that I can order dinner and get it delivered to me without actually having to speak to a human being, is proof both that God exists, and that He is merciful”. Many of my Twitter “followers” enjoyed that.

However, someone (apparently serious) asked me: “Genuinely curious. How is this anecdote proof of what you claim as a conclusion ie God exists, and how does that extend to a deity being merciful?”. ¡Ay, Dios mío! One might take the very existence of that person’s response as an argument against God’s mercy…

Humor, people!

I got COVID shot #2. Or perhaps I should say “Chinese Virus” or “Wuhan Virus”? I was scolded this week by a WokeScold for my use of the term “Chinese Virus” instead of the Approved Term “COVID-19”. Said Scold claimed my use of that term was “racist”. I pointed out that we say “Spanish Flu”, and “German Measles”, but nobody claims those are racist terms. The very day this took place, an article spoke of the “British” and “South African” variants of the virus. Presumably those terms weren’t racist. And the virus did, after all, come from China (and likely from a laboratory there).

Proportion, people!

The first week or so of the new Biden Administration has gone as many of us predicted it would. The new president spent his time issuing order after Executive Order, more than three dozen so far. I can remember when he said only dictators governed by executive orders. Well, then.

It’s all of a piece with politicians violating their own orders. Or that prior to the election, we were told the pandemic was all Trump’s bumbling fault, but now we’re told “there’s nothing we can do” to change the “trajectory” of the pandemic, for several months. Or that “Dr” Fauci said at the start of the pandemic that masks were useless, then he said we all needed masks, and now we need two.

Is it any wonder we’ve lost all respect for these “authority figures”?


I got the fixture to hook up my external hard-disk for the ‘cloud’ project I mentioned last week. Now I’m working through configuration issues. The server is reissuing ‘login’ requests, for no reason I can figure out just yet. Patience, I suppose, is in order…

The weather was on the cool side, and we got rain (and are currently having cold drizzle). But the schedule calls for a somewhat drastic warming up over the next week. shabbat will be cold and maybe wet.

On the shabbat menu this week:
homemade ḥalla, barley soup, meatloaf, rice, traditional cholent, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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