
Blog/January 2021/Jan 22nd

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Jan 22nd Comments or questions? Click here!

Last week I mentioned avoiding WhatsApp, and moving away from Facebook et al. Here’s an article from Forbes about just how invasive Facebook Messenger is. I also remarked that getting away from using Google Search would be prudent, but neglected to mention that all Google services monetize your personal information (contacts, calendar, mail, etc.). Google Mail actually searches inside your emails to extract information about what sorts of things you might be interested in, so they can present targeted adverts to you. Not surprising, but extremely invasive of one’s privacy.

If you’re interested in how you might avoid the “Big G’s” services (as far as possible in today’s day), I’ve got a solution which is pretty simple. “Cloud software” called Nextcloud allows you to do everything Google Drive, Calendar, and Contacts do (and many other things as well). There are various providers with “hosted” versions which you can use for free (or pay a fee and get additional services). Nextcloud also has apps for your mobile or desktop devices to easily connect with and use their “cloud software”. But the part that most interested me was the bit about installing their software on my own hardware and self-hosting the “cloud”.

So I repurposed a Rock64 computer I had laying around idle, and installed the Nextcloud software on it. I’ve now got it set up so I can access “my cloud” from outside my home, and in a few days I’ll have a (spare, large) hard-disk attached to it. I’ve already got my contacts and calendar running on it acceptably. Setting up your own HW with that SW is not difficult (at least if you’re somewhat familiar with this sort of thing), and it’s remarkable how flexible it is. Give it a whirl!

Various and sundry:

  • Aside from the very Israel-friendly nature of his administration, we’ll also miss Trump’s Twitter presence. Here’s some of his funniest tweets. Enjoy!
  • The unprecedented imperial coronation, including 25,000 troops to protect the Imperator from the hoi-polloi took place, peacefully. In his first day in office President Biden issued at least 15 EOs to immediately overturn a number of Trump’s EOs. But the problems facing the country aren’t going to be solved with executive orders. The deep and abiding problems are cultural, and the lack of graciousness exhibited by all parties.
  • Most of the media is fawning over Biden, predictably; though surprisingly, Politico isn’t covering-up his cognitive decline. Sad!
  • Everyone wonders why Israel’s COVID response has been so good. Here’s an answer.
  • And speaking of COVID: the US State Dept reports on evidence it originated in a Chinese lab, while a US scientist who led the charge against that theory admits he was trying to protect Chinese scientists. Do you still wonder why we don’t trust the media?

I was thinking about how in the US I had no connection whatsoever to the rulers (representatives, etc.) while in Israel, pretty much everyone is connected to everyone else. So I gave it more thought and realized I actually have personally met three important and famous Israelis: Yitzhak Navon, Yitzhak Mordechai, and Shaul Mofaz. This puts me just two connections away from Netanyahu and pretty much every other important Israeli politician or military leader, ever. Not that that helps me pay my bills, but still…

The weather was coooold! After the hotter-than-normal start of January, we experienced a colder-than-normal week. It got down to 4C overnight here, which is very cold for us. We also had quite a bit of rain, B”H! The forecast is for sunny but chilly weather for the weekend and into next week.

This week’s shabbat menu might include:
homemade ḥalla, potato-leek soup, schnitzel, chicken wings, noodle kugel, roasted veggies, various salatim, poached pears, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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