
Blog/May 2021/May 14th

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May 14th Comments or questions? Click here!

By now, most of you should have heard that we in The Land are under assault by Ḥamas terrorists. As of this morning, some 1,750 rockets and other missiles had been fired since Monday — indiscriminately — at heavily-populated civilian areas of Israel, and a number of people in Israel (Jewish and Arab citizens as well as foreigners) were killed and more wounded. To hear the mainstream news outlets tell it, the real cause of the “outbreak of violence” is a real-estate ruling. Of course that’s ludicrous.

The real reason can be found, simply, in the Ḥamas Charter, in particular: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”. It’s not like they’re shy about stating their goals. It’s only the “international community” which is capable of shuttering its collective brain and presuming to tell the Arabs what they’re all about (rather than, say, listening to what they say). It’s infuriating but utterly predictable.

One might ask, “what does Ḥamas hope to gain by fighting Israel now”? Here’s one analyst’s answer, and it seems on-target (so to speak).

I’ll have more to say about our “closest ally’s” reactions next week, assuming I don’t blow a fuse first.

As far as we are immediately concerned, the rockets didn’t reach us (though some were aimed at Jerusalem), but Sarah did have a fairly close-encounter in Ramat Gan when one landed a couple blocks away from her apartment. We’re hopeful the military takes care of things in the meantime, though if past experience is a guide, the politicians will prevent military victory. That, too, is infuriating.

Various and sundry:

  • The US economy’s job numbers are much worse than expected. Who could have predicted that continuing to pay people not to work would lead to higher unemployment? Nobody, that’s who!
  • As a follow-on, inflation in the US has reared its ugly head. Who could have predicted that a fiscal policy based on printing metric butt-loads of money would lead to inflation? Nobody, that’s who! It’s almost like Jimmy Carter’s back in town.
  • “Ransomware” shuts down a US pipeline, leading to major gasoline shortages across the US east-coast.
  • SNL has had a long run, but it’s time for it to go.
  • “Old Coke, New Coke, Woke Coke, Broke Coke”.

I made a long-awaited 8th release, but then had to immediately fix a couple bugs. Fortunately, I was able to track down the vexing issues and fix them. I also started our Mid-May Madness sale. So it was a productive week despite keeping an ear tuned to the incoming-missile alarms.

This week I’ve been trying to start up a sourdough starter, with no particular success. I might have to presume on the kindness of one of my neighbors to kick-start it!

Our weather is supposed to be warm for shabbat, becoming hot on yom-ṭov. At least there’s air-conditioning!

This week’s shabbat menu hopefully includes:
homemade ḥalla, zaʿtar baked chicken, various salatim, and homemade sorbet.

The holiday of shavuʿoth starts Sunday night, commemorating the giving of the Torah. Let’s pray our leaders pay attention to its teachings, in particular with respect to how to deal with our enemies!

Our yom-ṭov menu likely includes:
lasagna, baked salmon, various salatim, and homemade ice cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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