
Blog/May 2021/May 7th

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Free at last, free at last! We’ve returned to the Promised Land!

Before returning, we spent a few more days with Daniela’s clan, trying to maximize the time spent with our (incredibly adorable at times) grandchildren. It was a long “vacation”, but we all enjoyed the time we spent together — even when the twins were “acting up”.

As mentioned last week, we returned to the “farm” this week, so Naomi could get her cow-fix. The twins decided that “camels” are a funny thing, so we promised them that when they come visit us in the Land, we’ll make sure they see some camels. At least that’s something we can reasonably promise.

We left the family on a cold and rainy Wednesday afternoon, taking a “Lyft” to the airport. Our driver was taciturn, but he did at least have music turned on — if New-Age random tinkling can be considered “music”. By the time we arrived at the airport I was about ready to hit the guy. Fortunately, he provided a “humorous moment” when he asked Esther how she knew Spanish so well.

Once at the airport, we were plunged into the US version of “security theater”. The El-Al security people just asked the normal questions and passed us on. The TSA people, on the other hand, were not so quick to let us through.

After removing my shoes and belt, and emptying my pockets of everything (oops! forgot my passport in my shirt-pocket!), and removing electronics from my backpack (oops! forgot my iPad in there!), and removing any food-items and liquids therefrom, I was asked to go through the full-body scanner. So far, pretty normal for the TSA in the Land of the Free™.

However, for some reason, the friendly TSA agent decided he needed to get a more intimate view of my particulars, and subjected me to a “rub down” in the nether regions. Since I don’t really have brass balls, I’m not certain what set off their detector; but I will say I’ve never been touched before in quite that manner by a stranger; nor do I hope to repeat the experience…


Our return flight was uneventful, B”H. Upon arrival in the Land, we breezed through the entry procedures so quickly, I couldn’t believe it. Twenty minutes from disembarking until we got to the “COVID testing” station. They’ve streamlined the procedures considerably. The taxi driver we’d taken to the airport picked us up immediately we left the airport, and we were home — safe and sound — much sooner than we had thought we would be.

Mom appeared to be in as good a shape as we left her, so that was a Good Thing. She was happy to see us, so she’s probably forgotten how much of a pain I can be…

We left the cold and rainy US Northeast, and returned to the heat-wave-ridden Middle East! The weather is going to be hot (10C above average) on shabbat, which I am not particularly excited about. At least it’ll be a dry heat…

We’re expecting Sarah and Yarin for shabbat, so that is a good thing!

We’re really worn out, so this week’s shabbat menu is still under advisement:
non-Esther ḥalla, sweet-potato salad, meatballs, rice, fried tofu, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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