
Blog/July 2021/Jul 9th

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July 9th Comments or questions? Click here!

Esther and I celebrated our 35th (and Daniela and Jeremy their 9th) this week. We (Esther and I) enjoyed a night out in Jerusalem, had a good meal and fresh air, and were home by 10 as befits our advanced years.

And Mom is (sort of) celebrating her 95th today, which we’ll do with a “family Zoom meeting” in the afternoon. Congrats, Mom! I’m sure you never imagined you’d end up living with your son in the Holy Land! I sure didn’t…

I’ve kept busy this week, what with working on a client’s project, fiddling with the garden, and working on 8th. Esther kept busy as well, balancing ledgers and adjusting the green accountants’ visor. I’m kidding! She has green eye-shadow, instead.


  • Global Warming Ate my Homework”: on blackouts, drought, and wildfires, among other things.
  • Did you hear the Good News™? This year, the cost of a Fourth of July BBQ dropped $0.16 compared to last year! The most amazing thing to me is, the current administration actually bragged about that. 16 whole cents! Don’t spend it all in one place.
  • The USA, once the bastion of the proud and the free, stole away in the dead of night from Afghanistan, leaving tons of equipment to be looted by the Taliban and their allies.
  • If you’re thinking of taking a “spa vacation”, and are mistakenly of the opinion that men are men, and women are women, and that they each deserve a “private space” — you might want to avoid the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. Or any such institution in California, for that matter.
  • Apple, Apple! They did the right thing in requiring apps to get permission to track users, but it’s costing them. Google (Android) apparently has fewer scruples.
  • Egyptian mummies are people, too!. Don’t be an antimummyist!

Daniela presented me with an interesting problem this week. Some of her passwords got “hacked”, so she wanted to change them. But she understood she needs to have “stronger” passwords, ideally unique to each service needing a password. And like most of us, she can’t remember long random strings of text and symbols for each separate service. What to do?

So I recommended she look at some of the “password managers” (with some concern about their ultimate safety). I was a bit taken-aback by how complex they were, and how daunting to my non-technically-inclined daughter. I’m therefore energized to actually implement at least some of my “privacy vault” application, with an eye towards making it very simple to use, and extremely secure against hacking.

The weather settled into the usual summer pattern; hot during the day, cooling at night. More of the same expected next week.

This shabbat we’re having:
homemade ḥalla, chicken with artichokes, noodles, eggplant “Parmesan”, roasted veggies, veggie cholent, various salatim, watermelon, and cantaloupe.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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