
Blog/May 2022/May 13th

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May 13th Comments or questions? Click here!

Good news, everyone! Daniela and Jeremy have booked tickets, and are scheduled to arrive end of June for a few weeks! We look forward to the arrival of Queen Naomi and her entourage; preparations are being made.

We were (once again) very busy this week. Among other things, we’ve been moving various things we don’t want into a pile, to donate to a charity event. The pile reached hallway-blocking proportions this week, so we finally took it to the collection point in Jerusalem.

While there, we went to the Machane Yehuda shuq because we were close-by. I hadn’t been in several years (thank you, lock-downs!) and found quite a few of the shops had closed and been replaced by others; some still were there. Before commencing our grocery shopping, we had a very nice lunch at “Fishenchips” — much better than I had expected.

So that was our excitement for the week. Work, otherwise.

Stuff you haven’t heard about:

I spent a very significant amount of time this week working on the “trimming the fat” from 8th, as I mentioned last week. The impetus was that in the previous release, I had changed the library used for “TLS” (used when you connect to a website with “https”). I did that because the one I had been using for years was poorly maintained, and had some bugs which weren’t getting fixed. So I switched, and those bugs went away! But now I had an entire extra cryptography and “big number” library, duplicating functionality I already had.

So I worked on jettisoning the big-number and crypto libraries and converting to the new ones. I was pleased to find the “big number” stuff runs a lot faster! But the crypto conversion was quite painful, taking most of my time. However, it’s done now; all that’s left is cleanup and (lots and lots of) documentation.

The weather was seasonably pleasant this week, but we’re in for hot and unpleasant over shabbat. Next week should return to seasonably pleasant. That’s the hope, anyway.

This shabbat we’ll have:
home-made ḥalla, meatballs and rice, baked chicken, various salatim, and baklawa and ʿaraq.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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