
Blog/September 2022/Sep 16th

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Sep 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

Work, work, and more work. Esther’s got so many tax-returns to deal with, it’s unlikely she’ll be able to enjoy much of the soon-to-come intermediate days of Sukkoth. Fortunately, she mostly works from home,but still…

My main client has given me a lot to do as well, though his directions are on the vague side and tend to change randomly. There’s a reason I charge by the hour! I’m also (finally) officially going to be starting training for a side-gig doing “patent analysis”. I was introduced to this company by a former business partner of mine (we’ve known each other for almost four decades, and worked together for some 15 years). If this works out, it will be a nice low-pressure way to diversify our income. Financial Diversity is our Strength!

I finally decided to paint over the wall-repairs done a few months ago by the roofing people. You know, trying to get the house a bit nicer before the Holidays? Well, one of the walls has a few stains on it that seep through the paint, and I’m trying to mask it with multiple coats. It does look a bit better than before, so maybe the next coat…

Various and sundry:

I made another release of 8th this week, wanting to get it off my plate before the Holidays. Not an exciting release, but we can’t all be stars, you know?

In genealogical news, a cousin of mine (2C1RA to be precise) sent me a few documents regarding my mother’s mother’s side (the Bloom family). Though I had seen an excerpt of the “yizkor” document before, this time I had the entire manuscript, and it made fascinating reading. Through it I was able to more accurately determine my 2g-grandparent’s places of origin and death dates, as well as uncovering some siblings (of my 2g-gma). More to come next week, I think.

The weather was cooling this week, but it will warm up a touch for the weekend before subsiding slowly over the coming week. Autumn (such as it is in the Middle East) is approaching!

We look forward this shabbat to:
homemade ḥalla, chicken and red rice, roasted veggies, roasted eggplant, coleslaw, various salatim, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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