
Blog/September 2022/Sep 9th

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Sep 9th Comments or questions? Click here!

One of my readers commented last week on my mention of the severe uptick in antisemitism across university campuses in the US, asking “what could be done” to change the decisions of administrators, without moving to Israel. I replied that I’d been saying for years that the “Golden Age” of Jews in America is drawing to a close — rather more abruptly than I had thought it would — and that there is no future for Jews in America. I feel a bit like Jabotinsky in the 1930s. One would think that history is informative, but humans’ ability to see what is desired rather than what is real, negates any benefit of learning history.

I rarely have anything to say about monarchy or the United Kingdom. However, the passing of Queen Elizabeth II this week was worth mentioning even though it doesn’t particularly affect me nor most of my readers.

She reigned for 70 years — my entire life, and then some. She was a pillar, a much needed calming presence, “the adult in the room”. Her descendants? Well, we’ll see. I honestly thought she was waiting for Charles to predecease her before letting go. Alas, that was not to be.

In contrast, we saw the most divisive and dystopian Presidential speech of my lifetime. The vibe it gave off was distinctly something from Emperor Palpatine, or perhaps that Austrian fellow who raised a ruckus back in QE2’s time. The reaction to it has not been very positive, with some 30% of independents saying they were “turned off”. Again; well, we’ll see…


We were both very busy working this week. Nothing very exciting to report on that front besides exhaustion.

We visited with my cousins one evening, during which I shocked and awed them with family updates. We also attended a lovely dinner in celebration of our friends’ (former subjects of Her Majesty) 50th wedding anniversary. And here I was, all puffed-up over hitting 36! We’ve a lot to learn, apparently.

The weather has calmed down and dropped in temperature. We’ve been able to sleep without A/C. Fortunately, we’re not in California, so we can use A/C if need be.

This shabbat we’ll have:
homemade ḥalla, tomato soup, stove-top brisket, mashed potatoes, roasted green beans, various salatim, and banana bread.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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