
Blog/January 2023/Jan 13th

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Jan 13th Comments or questions? Click here!

We left Daniela’s on Monday, arrived home on Tuesday. The Grands accepted our departure with stoicism (perhaps because they didn’t quite know what to make of it). Daniela and Jeremy were great hosts, though I’m sure they were at least somewhat pleased to have us finally head back home after I had single-handedly used all their Kleenex.

The flight itself was nondescript, and faster than scheduled. We breezed through border control (now manned by impartial machines rather than apathetic humans), got our four pieces of checked luggage, and made it through Customs with nary a glance askance. The taxi we had ordered was waiting for us, and soon we arrived home. It was a homecoming miracle!

Once home, we unpacked and collapsed. Pretty much literally, though we did manage to stay awake until night time.

Now we’re trying to get back into the regular “flow”. I visited my doctor on Thursday, and was prescribed a strong antibiotic and a nasal spray. But as of this morning, my nose looks like Rudolph™’s, and it’s painful. I hope the medicine will help with that and the other maladies. Perhaps it’s just a “Friday the 13th” thing.

Various and sundry:

Yesterday was the first yarhzeit of my mother, a”h. We commemorated her by having a fried chicken and coleslaw dinner, two of her favorite foods. She was a person of modest needs, and I hope we were able to make her last years as pleasant as they could have been.

Since neither of us is back to what passes for us as “normal”, we’ll be taking it easy this shabbat and attempting to recover.

The weather has been chilly but pleasant, presumably; though I couldn't swear to that, not having left the house. The forecast is for a cloudy shabbat with a chance of rain, with more rain and overcast skies in the immediate future.

Home at last, home at last! This shabbat in the Holy Land, we’ll have:
homemade ḥalla, steak salad, chicken stir-fry, most likely other stuff, various salatim, and apple cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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