
Blog/March 2023/Mar 24th

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Mar 24th Comments or questions? Click here!

Busy week, busy week!

We went to the shuq to get fresh garlic. This is our yearly pre-pesaḥ outing, though we didn’t do it last year. We returned with 10kg of the smelly herb, some of which went to a friend, and the rest was cleaned and tied up to dry. My office is vampire-proof!

We also gained a “multi-trainer” exercise machine. After comparing the costs of gym-membership vs having our own machine, it seemed a much better deal to get a machine. Not to mention that since it’s in my office, I have to go past it every day — hopefully ensuring I’ll use it. I’ve started an alternating pattern of exercise, alternating upper and lower body each day. So far, I hurt all over.

Esther also managed to hurt herself (though not due to the machine!) and has a painful arm and shoulder. We went to the doctor, who was (as usual for this doctor) not particularly helpful. He did give her pain meds, and referred her to an orthopedist. Of course, nobody has an opening until after pesaḥ. So we’re probably staying home this shabbat, which is fine by me. Wine is the best medicine.

Stuff and nonsense:

For all y’all in the Exile: we’ve changed our time-zone today to “IDT”, e.g. Israel summer time. So wer’e back to 7 hours ahead of New York.

Weather’s been indecisive. We’re scheduled to have more unsettled weather, perhaps rain. Winter isn’t quite done with us.

We’re on our own this shabbat, most likely staying in. On the menu (chef Ron on point this week):
homemade ḥalla, sticky sesame-chicken wings, crunchy “burnished” potatoes, zucchini quiche, chard with mushrooms, roasted eggplant halves with garlic and ṭeḥina, various salatim, and poppy-cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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