
Blog/March 2023/Mar 17th

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Mar 17th Comments or questions? Click here!

We attended another wedding this week; friends, this time. For the first time in my recollection, we actually knew more than two people there — it was a miracle! Also, the venue was particularly nice, and we were seated where the loud music didn’t reach, so we could talk. All good, but I think we’re done with weddings this season.

The family research progresses apace. I made contact this week with two more third-cousins; one each from my maternal and paternal lines. Jeremy found a researcher of Belorussian Jewry who we’ve contracted to try to dig up more on my paternal family’s side. It’s a gamble: there might not be any information, or the researcher might not be as good as we would like. But in a few months we should have some results either way.

Around and around:

Speaking of SVB and investments, just contact me for tips on how to lose money. Guaranteed results!

Last week I mentioned that I had made some changes to the “Mechon Mamre” site, and that there was “some opposition”. I’m happy to report that the opposition has faded away, and most converted to “admiration”…

Esther and I have devised our own monetary units: “falafels” and “flights”. For a long time now, I’ve thought of relatively inexpensive things (here in the Land) as worth X number of falafels. Esther recently expanded the range to include relatively expensive things as “flights” (to the US). I think we might file a patent. You’re free to use the units, if you pay us a royalty — don’t worry, it’s only a few falafels!

The weather was unsteady this week, starting off hot and dropping to cold and rainy, now middle of the road. It’s supposed to be mostly OK for shabbat, and then cold and rainy at the start of the week.

Once again invited out for one meal; for the rest this shabbat (no falafel):
homemade ḥalla, Moroccan chicken (with preserved lemon and olives), couscous, various salatim, and banana cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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