
Blog/September 2023/Sep 15th

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September 15th Comments or questions? Click here!

Hello, fellow humans! We’ve had quite the week.

As I mentioned last time, Esther got infected with COVID23 (it’s time we updated it, don’t you think?). She had a fever for a couple days and was under the weather, while I apparently dodged the viral bullet. Not so fast, buck-o!

I was perfectly fine on shabbat. Sunday morning was a different story. The dreaded viral-load overcame my defenses, and I too succumbed to C23. I didn’t get a fever (at least, not a notable one) but I immediately got a cough and vertigo. Both of us had fatigue, lots of body-aches, and “grumpy skin”. Believe me, you don’t want grumpy skin! The final indignity was the loss of all sense of smell and taste. But so it goes.

Other things:

  • Coffee instead of tea in early America, a history.
  • Even the MSM is calling out Biden for his rather egregious lies.
  • The claim that “nobody allows or wants late-stage abortions” is demonstrably false. Six states and Washington D.C. have no limits whatsoever on abortion (as of Aug 24, 2023).
  • A female engineer on what happens to “grown-up tomboys”.
  • A thread on this week’s hearings at the Israeli Supreme Court, attempting to assign legal primacy to Israel’s “Declaration of Independence”.
  • And Matt Walsh correctly points out that our (well, the USA’n) geriatric leaders are ruining everything.

Despite being laid-up this week and barely functional, I nevertheless did manage to make a release of 8th. I also spent a lot of time on Twitter (“X” to you newbies) to the detriment of my soul.

One notable event was when a very well-known media personality chimed in with antisemitic content in response to what appeared to be ḥareidi children abusing an innocent Christian woman (context showed she was blasting her gospel on loudspeakers, on shabbat, in a religious neighborhood). I unleashed my mighty sword of imprecations, and — I must confess — used some quite intolerant and perhaps outrageous language. For that, I do not apologize in the least.

Everyone is free to believe whatever they wish, and worship in whatever manner they want (or don’t). But when you come after my people with your xtian “love”, you can shove it where the sun don’t shine. Two thousand years we’ve put up with it; we’re not having it any more.

Well. Last week’s hope that we would be in top form for this shabbat and the renewal of the year were dashed. Neither of us can taste anything, so it is with some apathy I present our menu, in the vain hope that perhaps we’ll be able to detect some of the flavors:
homemade ḥalla, roast beef, pomegranate-sumac salmon, honey-orange chicken, roasted squash carrots and yams, carrot-kugel muffins, carrot salad, miso green beans, various salatim, and honey-cake and rugelach.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and shana ṭovah!

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