
Blog/September 2023/Sep 22nd

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September 22nd Comments or questions? Click here!

Our week was spent climbing slowly back to “normal”. Now we can taste and smell, and my fatigue has dissipated. Esther’s about at 90%, I’m probably at 85%. That, right there, sums up our entire week.

Sure, Esther worked and so did I. We did some gardening (more than we should have done, certainly). I did further cleanup in the back in preparation for sukkot. But that’s really it.

I did start trying to get some serious “learning” in, as we just started a new (Jewish) year and all. I’m working my way (very, very, slowly) through the “Yerushalmi” comparing with the “Bavli”. I’ve managed about one page, so far; it’s going to take me quite a long time…


The Israel Police have said we should carry guns on Yom Kippur (if we’re licensed to carry, that is). With all due respect: I would be unable to properly pray if I had to lug along 2kg of weaponry and accoutrements with me. It would be uncomfortable as well; not to mention the “biggy” of not being allowed to “carry” on Y”K.

Yes, I know, I know! We “have an eruv. Pardon me for disagreeing, even in principle, with that statement (if you’re interested in my reasoning, you can ask me to elucidate). Regardless: if the situation is so dire that “everyone” should be armed, I prefer to stay at home where I can, at least, concentrate on the prayers.

We’re mostly back to being able to taste! We’ve been invited out for one meal. For the rest we’re going basic:
homemade ḥalla, vegetable chili, cauliflower kugel, various salatim, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and gemar ḥatima ṭovah!

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