
Blog/September 2023/Sep 29th

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September 29th Comments or questions? Click here!

Since the holiday of sukkot begins this shabbat, we have been working on getting the “new, improved!” sukkah ready. What’s new and improved about it? For one thing, no fabric “walls”.

My readers, you are probably aware that we live in a hot location. “Hot” in terms of temperatures; what were you thinking? Anyway, we’ve always assembled our sukkah from a metal framework and fabric walls, giving us a nice four-walled but stifling hot hut. This year, it’s different.

Because the halakha stipulates that a sukkah need only have two walls and a bit, and that the walls needn’t be adjacent, we’ve taken the liberty of erecting “beams” going from our house to the storage unit, upon which we’ve placed the skhakh (roofing). Adding a symbolic “third wall” made of a piece of plywood, and we’re mostly done.

This gives us a ceiling which is quite a bit higher than previously, and a hut which is open to the air. We’ll let you know, next week, whether all this was an improvement or not.

Stuff and nonsense:

We’ve been slowly returning to our normal energy levels. Both of us were working as usual, nothing exciting there. We did get our “flu shots” this week, as we do every year. However, I’m not going to get any more COVID shots. Been there, done that, have the receipts, got COVID anyway. The mounting evidence against the shots’ efficacy (which — shockingly! — you can’t easily find with a Google search) and the similarly mounting evidence of various bad side-effects, makes me prefer the illness to the treatment. So sue me.

We’re scheduled to have another hotter-than-normal shabbat, but immediately thereafter the cold is supposed to start. There’s even the possibility of rain next week!

Because we’re invited out for one meal, we only have to do a little. The menu:
homemade ḥalla, chicken schnitzel, various salatim, and chocolate-chip cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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