
Blog/October 2023/Oct 6th

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October 6th Comments or questions? Click here!

What a week! We certainly ate our fill of grilled meats!

The new, ¡improved! grill got a comprehensive workout this week, and fulfilled its task perfectly each time. Some notes are in order. First: it really does makes a difference just what sort of coals you use. Don’t be cheap like I’ve been in the past, get the good coals. They cost more, but they burn much hotter and they last much longer. The end result is much, much better.

Second: though it pains me to admit it, the Argentine grill setup is superior. It just is. Instead of all the juices and fats dripping onto the coals (and partly extinguishing them as well as making clouds of smoke), the angle-iron grill captures half the liquids and sluices them off to a drip-cup. Very cool and less messy.

All that said, there are improvements I will make to La Parilla™. The mechanism I use to raise and lower the grill is rather coarse and should use a ratchet instead of the bit of rebar I’m using. I need to arrange a shallower drip-cup. There are more things, but you probably don’t care much, do you? DO YOU???

Various and sundry:

The new, ¡improved! sukkah was a big success. Much more airy and pleasant to be in, and the outdoor lighting was just the right intensity. Good that I listened to Esther and didn’t get the 1000W unit. Anyway, our guests over the week enjoyed a fine-dining experience much improved over past years. And yet, more improvements can and will be made here, as well.

For one, the “skhakh” (roof) is too narrow for us to have more than four or five guests. So we’ll add another two beams on either side of the ones we have now. That will give us another meter or so of sitting area. It will also make the “third wall” be an actual wall rather than the fake one we relied on this time. We’ll also invest in some “fly fans” to hopefully reduce the level of airborne pests.

All in all, a very pleasant “intermediate days” of the Festival of Booths. Not that ours was really a “booth” nor even much of a “hut”, nor did we even have pizza in the hut. Next year perhaps…

Our menu for shabbat and yom-tov:
homemade ḥalla, stuffed veggies, veggie soup, chicken salad, chicken schnitzel, potato bourekas, various salatim, and honey cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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