
Blog/March 2024/Mar 22nd

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March 22nd Comments or questions? Click here!

We were really busy this week, visiting various family members and going out places (not tourism, just going places). I can’t even remember all we did.

Among other things, we walked to the Ateneo Grand Splendid; a former theater, now bookstore. We also attended a movie theater with nephew Juan and his father Luís. We visited the cemetery where Esther’s grandma Esther is buried, and tried to find some other family graves there as well. Curiously (to me), the graves we found only listed the mother’s name. I don’t know if that’s specifically a Turkish Jewish thing or what.

My mother in law is moving, so we helped Sergio get lighting fixtures installed in the new place. We also went shopping and I got a couple new belts, Esther got some books. On the road, the convoy of Presidente Milei passed us once, and Esther saw his wild hair.

In between it all, we ate out quite a lot, including at the only “glatt kosher” luxury restaurant in Argentina (it was actually very good).

Some things:

We also have been walking quite a bit. It’s helpful that Buenos Aires is mostly flat, so walking several kilometers to go somewhere isn’t much of an effort. We took the subway once, and apparently that will be the last time we do, since it’s impossible (literally) to purchase a subway pass, because (apparently) they ran out of the proper plastic several years ago, and you can only get on the subway if you had already had a pass. Yes, I know, it sounds crazy.

Another tidbit: lots of places are “cash only”. That necessitates walking around with a big wad of cash, because even though things aren’t terribly expensive (for us), the prices are very high (in AR pesos) so you need wads of cash. Hopefully, Pres. Milei will fix that somehow…

There was a major thunderstorm this week, and hopefully it will be the last rain we have during our trip. We’re hoping for a quiet shabbat, and as well a relatively quiet purim!

This shabbat we’ve bought a few things for our meals:
steaks, fatay, empanadas, laḥmajin, wine, salad fixings, and cookies.

Last week’s shabbat meals were adequate, but I’ve spent almost 38 years being spoiled by my wife’s cooking, so…

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and purim sameaḥ!

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