
Blog/March 2024/Mar 29th

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The week started with Purim, which was a bit strange since we didn’t make it to any regular megillah readings (because of timing issues). So I “read the megillah” at night, and we listened to a YouTube recording of a (better) reading in the morning. First time for either of those, by the way.

We did lots of family things with Esther’s family. One day we went to pay respects at her father’s grave, but the cemetery was so incredibly saturated with mosquitoes, we barely spent five minutes there. Which does bring up a point…

I remember, 20 years ago and more, that BsAs was not overrun with mosquitoes. But now it is, and there are warnings all over the place about Dengue fever. Yes, the place has very warm summers and a lot of rainfall, so there are plenty of natural mosquito-breeding places; however, it’s known to me that many such places exist in the world, and quite a few of them have effective mosquito-abatement programs. BsAs used to be one such place; and that it is not any longer, is not a good thing.

Here and there:

Eventually our time was up, and we had to head to the airport and wend our way back to the Land. Elapsed time door-to-door: about 30 hours: that’s a long time to be mostly seated! On our arrival in IL, our usual taxi driver was unable to pick us up, so we took the train from the airport to Jerusalem. First time for us, and though the train was crowded, it was much (!) faster than taking a taxi would have been, with traffic.

However — and I mean no disrespect to those who designed the train station — whatever prompted them to make one take three elevators and schlep all over the place just to get out of the station? It wasn’t horribly difficult, but we had three suitcases and the elevators were packed (and slow), and we were at the tail end of a very long journey.

But “all’s well that ends well”, and we’re back home!

This shabbat we’re back, baby! Invited out for one meal, for the rest:
ḥallah, vegetable soup, baked chicken, various salatim, possibly other things, and wafers.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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