
Blog/April 2024/Apr 5th

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April 5th Comments or questions? Click here!

We slipped back into our normal routine this week. Esther was working as usual, while I kept on working on improvements to “8th”. Israel (we presume) attacked an Iranian general-staff meeting in Syria, killing the top echelon of the “Quds” group. In response, Iran has threatened painful retaliation, so the IDF is on high alert. Just in time for shabbat!

Dr. Phil hosts Mosab Yousef, who proceeds to school two Hamas supporting college seniors. It was beautiful to see, though disturbing that this is what the schools are producing.

Of possible note:

  • My friend’s heavy post this week, and the USA is a fickle ally.
  • The “XZ Hack”, an extremely clever and insidious insertion of evil code into a commonly used utility, should be a wake-up call to those asserting that “open source” necessarily equates to “secure”.
  • A “reactionary” take on memory-safety.
  • Incognito mode? Google tracked you anyway.
  • Trump’s now selling his own Bible edition, complete with the US foundational documents. I’m only surprised it took this long, and that he didn’t include his autobiography.
  • And to all you scoffers ridiculing the US Space Force, scoff no more! For your enjoyment, I present the official US “Space Force Song”. I heard it, now you have to. Never apologize!

The link I posted above regarding improvements to “8th” is the implementation of “Particle Swarm Optimization”, a simple yet effective way to search a complex “problem space” for an optimal solution. It relies on a “swarm” of “particles”, moving around the space in a randomly controlled manner, hopefully homing in on a solution. I’d never heard of it before, but it’s been around since at least the 1990s.

Anyway. We’re hoping that shabbat will be quiet. The weather was quite warm this week (a heat-wave), but is cooling down to normal over shabbat and then getting ready for further cooling and rain next week. Summer isn’t quite here, yet.

Back to normal this shabbat. The menu includes:
homemade ḥallah, chicken soup, baked chicken, kibbeh, various salatim:, lentil salad, roasted beets, tuna salad, coleslaw, strawberry ice-cream, and semolina cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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