
Blog/July 2024/Jul 19th

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July 19th Comments or questions? Click here!

I’ll confess: I didn’t have an assassination attempt on my docket for this week, but that’s how it started! As of this writing, we’re still mystified as to how the “U.S. Secret Service” didn’t notice a guy climbing onto a roof so close to the stage where Trump was. We are also mystified as to why no USSS personnel were on that roof (which the USSS director deemed too unsafe for her agents — mysterious!) or around it; but were, in fact, stationed inside it. We’re further mystified as to how the USSS didn’t act when numerous civilians notified them and the cops there was a man with a rifle there. So much mystery!

Verily various:

In the meantime, my “zemanim” beta-test proceeds apace. After some very good feedback, I’m closing in on the final version, and am working to get 8th’s innards working properly on iOS. Moving parts, lots of moving parts!

The weather has been ME summer, with the nighttime temps not descending as far as we would like. However, nothing too extreme.

This shabbat we’re having guests over for a meal. Our menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, leek pashtida, stir-fried green-beans, rice, various salatim, watermelon, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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