
Blog/March 2008/March 7th

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February 29th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

The brave "freedom-fighters" chose this Thursday night to attack. Not a military facility, or a strategic facility, but the Mercaz haRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem. To celebrate their courageous battle against the unarmed students, In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in celebration in the air after hearing news of the attack on the seminary (from the AP). These are our "partners for peace".

Facebook thinks I live in "Palestine". According to a recent email I received, "Facebook seems to have decided that Yehuda and the Shomron don't exist- it's no longer possible to list any yishuv in Yesha as your hometown!". When I checked, indeed my "hometown" had been removed. When I tried to change it to Maaleh Adummim, the country "Palestine" was displayed, not "Israel". Never mind that there is not, in fact, any such country; never mind, that 99.8% of the residents of M"A are Jewish (the remaining 0.2% are Christians); never mind that we all pay taxes to Israel, speak Hebrew, etc. etc... "Farcebook" knows better than we do. Maybe this explains their slow spiral of death?

Shabbat shalom!

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