
Blog/March 2013/Mar 15th

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Mar 15th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Another pretty busy week. Sunday we attended my boss's wedding (mazal tov, mazal tov). It marks the first time I've ever had a boss get married while I worked for him, it was a bit awkward. On the other hand, he was happy so I can assume he will continue to be happy... which will be good for us.

Sarah is continuing with her filming career. She asked us to share her final-project from this past semester. Don't be too frightened, it's only a film!

Esther went to a shiur given in Hebrew this week. It was in the synagogue right next to us, which was convenient for her, and the shiur was interesting to her. In other Esther news, her mother will be coming on a trip to Israel after pesaḥ, so we'll see her then.

We've been busily getting rid of our stock of ḥameṣ, but we have more pasta to deal with. This will be the last shabbat until after pesaḥ where we'll have homemade ḥalla, since this week we're using up all the remaining flour. Next up: cleaning the kitchen and really getting ready for the holiday (and Daniela and Jeremy's visit!). On that note, the new beds are supposed to be delivered on Sunday, B"H.

As I was working on the new version of zemanim, I found that the rules for daylight-savings time in Israel changed this year. So even though I didn't want to make any more releases of the "old" code-base, I felt the need to update the current app so that it will work correctly when the clocks change here. The new rule for IDT: the last Friday, before the last Sunday of March. The new rule for IST: the first Sunday after the first of October, unless that falls on Rosh HaShanah in which case it's delayed until after the holiday. Isn't this fun?

And speaking of "the holiday", it's most unfortunate that the Obumbler is coming to Israel just before pesaḥ. The security arrangements are going to make commuting in Jerusalem even more of a nightmare. We don't need him, don't want him, and wish him a long and happy life -- but very far away from here. The man with the licence to kill doesn't need to be slumming with "da Jooz". Please, go visit the new Pope instead, I'm sure he'll absolve you!

But maybe the trip will help bring him some perspective? Perhaps he'll realize that Pallywood propaganda is a real problem. Or maybe he'll become aware that it's not "the settlers" who are the problem, it's the Arabs. Naw, I don't think so either. Maybe we'll be lucky, and he'll choke on a "matsah-ball". If we're really lucky, so will Peres...

But back to zemanim. I'm still figuring out how to make things work the way I want, but I've also been porting my Java code (the Android platform normally requires writing in Java) to JavaScript (the language inside web-browsers). Not trivial, but also not too difficult. Good progress is being made, and I hope to finish up before the holiday... but time is short this coming week, so I'm not sure I'll hit that goal.

This shabbat we'll have one of Sarah's friends staying with us. We're also having a family over for lunch. The menu will include: butternut squash soup, kippeh, teḥina, roasted chicken, roasted root vegetables, pasta salad, salatim, sticky chicken-wings, meatballs, rice, strawberries & cream and brownies.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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