
Blog/March 2013/Mar 8th

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Mar 8th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It was a quiet week. Sarah started her new semester, with 11-hour days. Esther rearranged the house. I was working. Daniela and Jeremy were working. Nothing too out of the ordinary...

Last week, Esther and I placed an order for new beds for our guest-room. Since we have frequent guests, and because Daniela and Jeremy will be joining us over pesaḥ B"H, we decided to "upgrade" the beds in the guest room to something more humane than the uncomfortable sofa-bed currently there.

But that necessitated removing the sofa-bed from the guest room (and tidying up that room). Which raised the question, "what to do with it?". We decided that we could use the extra bed as an "emergency overflow bed" -- since it's somewhat common for us to have all beds occupied and then get a "can you put up just one more person?". So, now we can (or we will be able to, anyway).

Esther and I then embarked upon a glorious effort to rehabilitate the "office", which is the one room nobody really uses (on an ongoing basis). After much toil (and dust), we rearranged it so that there is a lot of "sitting area", and the sofa-bed is now there (so we can put up an extra two people -- it's a hide-a-bed kind of thing). Now we just have to wait for delivery of the two other beds for the guest room.

I've been doing the APOS therapy for a week now, and can report that it does seem to be helping my knee. I have less pain by far, although it make my shoulders hurt (immediately afterwards; the pain goes away overnight). So, so far it seems effective but I won't really know until I've been using it for a couple months. In other news, I was able to get a much earlier appointment for physiotherapy - so between the two of them, I should be running marathons soon. Well, not marathons. Or running. Probably not soon, either.

This week I had my "performance review" at work. Since I had been told already I was getting a raise, I wasn't too worried -- but these things are always a source of anxiety for me. So my manager called me over, and we went outside the office to a coffee-shop for the "review". He then started praising me and my work, which was pretty embarrassing. But then he said that he thought it was my excellent attitude and cheerful demeanor which were so helpful -- and I had to stop him and ask if I could record him and play it back to my family. Suffice it to say, I've never had such an extraordinarily positive review in my entire career; makes it hard to be too disgruntled an employee.

Last week I mentioned the PhoneGap technology which seemed very promising for my own projects. This week I played around with jQuery Mobile, which is a set of JavaScript libraries which make writing a web-browser-based application for mobile-devices much easier. I was going to start by writing the "studdy buddy" I've been interested in for a while, but was convinced that trying to port my existing zemanim program might be a better "proof-of-concept".

I'm currently in the middle of doing just that, trying to figure out how to make things work the way I want them to. I have to say, it's a pretty intriguing project, and promises to make development work much faster for me (especially for writing rabidly cross-platform applications). I will probably have most of it done next week, and you'll be able to have a look and give me some feedback then. If all works according to plan, within a few weeks I'll have a new version of zemanim which will work on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. Pretty cool!

Ah, quiet shabbat! Just the three of us this week, so the menu is more subdued:
homemade ḥallah, steamed artichokes, pasta-tuna salad, barley-mushroom soup, chicken stir-fry, pepper steak, snow-peas with mushrooms, rice, regular cholent, banana bread and hamantashen

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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