
Blog/August 2013/Aug 2nd

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Aug 2nd (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

It’s been an interesting week. Between the two of us, Esther and I have almost completed the Aaron Technologies web-site — the only missing parts are some of the Spanish pages. Take a look and let us know what you think. We’ve also had two meetings with a business consultant (from MATI), who has been very helpful and has provided a lot of good information. Besides that we were both quite busy with work and classes and keeping ourselves out of trouble.

The consultant has forced us to put numbers on things. How much will it cost to start up? How much do you need to make each month to survive? What will the total cost be? The answers to most of these questions are a bit fuzzy, given that most expenses have a range rather than a fixed value, and that it is not yet 100% clear how much of each resource will be needed. Not surprisingly, human resources are the biggest expense… computer related hardware or software or network services are insignificant by comparison.

In any event, I highly recommend MATI services — whether you are a new-immigrant or not. Their services are not expensive given the value you receive. All right, the course Esther is taking is not as useful as it could have been, but the consultant has been very useful. Even if you’ve run a business before (as I have), it’s a good idea to become acquainted with how things are done here (and now), and to get introductions to people who can help you realize your goals.

This past Thursday was my first day of “freedom”. I still put in time for my current employer, but did so from home. As I’ve proven over and over, I am many times more effective at my job when I can work undisturbed. In three hours of work in my home office, I accomplished more than I had the previous two days “at work”. That’s because my concentration wasn’t disturbed (literally) every ten minutes by someone asking a question or just “shooting the breeze”. I only hope the Boss Man is satisfied.

Sarah presented a rough-cut of her film to her teacher, who liked it despite the “time on the screen” mishap. So she’s feeling happier, as are we.

Since the consultant’s meeting this morning took so much of our Friday prepare-for-shabbat time, I’m going to have to cut the blog short. Sorry…

There’s a crowd this time at Aaron Manor! For dinner we’ve invited a new-immigrant family. We’ve also got my nephew as well as Dinah and one of Sarah’s classmates! We’ll prepare:
baked chicken, meatballs, schnitzel, rice, roasted veggies, roasted potatoes and yams, eggplant rolls, beet salad, carrot salad, eggplant salad, black bean salad, mango sorbet and banana sorbet.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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