
Blog/July 2013/Jul 26th

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Jul 26th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

We had a mostly calm but busy week this time. My nephew Chris appeared, and is now staying with us. He enjoyed his time in the “yeshiva program” he attended, and is looking forward to spending time with his family now.

Important lesson of the week: don't change passwords before you've had your coffee. One early morning at work I came in and changed my computer's password, as I do periodically. Before I had had my coffee. After a while I locked the screen, did something, and came back. I came back, to find that I couldn't remember – at all – what I had changed my password to! My bad.

The good news is that I found out that the disk-encryption used by my Linux setup is truly unbreakable. That's also the bad news. The ok news is that I didn't have anything not backed-up on the machine. The not-quite-terrible news is that I had to wipe my disk and start again from scratch. Chalk one up to my always-expanding collection of information you don't want to know.

Daniela and Jeremy are celebrating, because Jeremy passed his CFA exams. This is good for his career, and we knew all along he was going to pass, because… well, he's pretty smart. Esther continues to learn things we'll find useful for our business, and at this point is sort of looking forward for the course to be done.

Sarah had an unfortunate incident this week. Remember the term-project she worked so hard on? The one where she got the filming “just right”? Well, it turns out that the cameraman had not double-checked one of the buttons on the camera, so the date and time are displayed prominently on every frame of her film! Needless to say, she was not happy when she found out. Her camera instructor apparently never informed the students about all the different features of the camera they were using, and it seems that at least another three films (by other students) are similarly affected. So she's got to try to figure out how to salvage her film, but it will not now be what she envisioned.

I found an interesting book online, Practical Typography, whose advice I'm trying to follow to improve my nascent website. The site is looking better, but now it loads more slowly – so I need to figure out how to have my custom fonts and have the site be responsive. I also started writing the Hebrew portion, mostly finished now; next up: the Spanish portion. By the end of next week I'll have it done, B"H.

This time around we have my nephew as well as one of Sarah's friends (besides Dinah). So a full house of young'uns to feed! So far, the menu includes:
fresh homemade ḥallah, baked fish in tomato sauce, matambre, baked chicken, butternut-squash stuffed with quinoa, mushroom-chard pashtida, traditional cholent, veggie cholent, salatim, cookies and banana bread.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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