
Blog/March 2014/Mar 21st

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Mar 21st (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

T’was an active week, as usual. Esther walked 10 km. in the Jerusalem Marathon. I was trying to close out all the “open issues” and get things documented before I leave work for good. Sarah was busy with school. And we celebrated purim.

As is our habitual practice, we had our purim meal with our friends; the same friends who we’ve known since the very first moment we made aliyah. Even before then, in fact; they were on the plane we were on. Anyway, we do purim with them, they do pesaḥ with us — it’s a good arrangement. But my friend served sangria instead of wine this year. As you probably know, sangria is wine mixed with fruit juice; so it seems less powerful than wine.

That is not the case in fact. Since it is easier to drink, you drink more of it. And the problem for me, anyway, is that the mixture of fruit-juice and wine did me no good, no good at all. Next year I’m holding out for straight wine, no mixtures!

In technical news, I started in earnest with the “GUI” portion of 8th. This is probably going to take another week or so to flesh out sufficiently on Linux, then I’ll port what I have to the Windows, Android and Mac OS/X worlds. I did start on the Windows side, a bit; that’s going to be the biggest challenge since Windows is quite different from the other supported platforms.

In business news, our consultants helped us (me, especially) realize the appropriate way to explain ourselves to those who don’t know what our product does. You may be unaware of this, but I tend to stay in my technical groove and not come up for air until I’ve given a complete explanation. That’s ok in some areas and with some kinds of people, but it’s hard for most people to handle.

They explained to us (me) that you have 30 seconds, tops, to really get the person’s attention. If they don’t react positively in that time, you’ve basically lost them. I noticed this myself, when I had to explain myself for half an hour to finally get a “I get it” from people I was talking to.

So they helped us distill everything that is important about our product into a single sentence, which should be the introduction to whatever meetings we have with new people. Allow me to present our clinch phrase:

With one development effort, you can target multiple platforms

Now that may not mean anything to you unless you’re in the software biz, but if you are — and especially if you’re in charge of development, or of the company, this has an immediate appeal. It invites you to ask what it means, how it can help you; it invites you to scoff, perhaps and say “sure, sure…”. But — and this is the point — it helps get your attention and focus it on what we can do for you.

Well, while my lovely wife was out today earning her medal, I was busy cooking for shabbat. It’s just her and me, and we’re invited to a friend’s place for the day meal, so we’ll enjoy:
grilled steak, crispy oven-fried potatoes, green salad, tomato-miso soup, Waldorf salad, fried onions, tomato-olive salad, blasted peppers, simple Jewish pickles, tabbouleh, honey-glazed carrots and date-walnut cake.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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